‹ Prequel: Forgotten Lover

Love Conquers All

I ***ed up.

Franks POV

Gerard stormed off the plane. He was still pissed at me. I don’t want these dreams. I never asked for this why is he mad at me. I knew I shouldn’t have told him. I’m so stupid. I wish Gerard knew how guilty I felt for putting our relationship through this. I’m such a fuck up. Gerard already had our bags waiting on me. When I got close enough to him her literally threw my bags at me. I kinda caught one out of two if you count catching it after it hit me in the stomach. I followed him as he led me to a waiting taxi out front.

He climbed in and waited for me the ride was silent again, but the tension in that small cab was horrible. I felt like jumping out into the busy streets then feel the hate falling off Gerards from. He hated me now and there was no repairing the damage that I made. When the cab stopped outside of our home Gerard handed him the money telling him to keep the change and rushed out of the cab.

When I walked into the apartment he had left his bags at the door and was in our room packing the rest of his belongings. I walked into the room and grabbed his hand only to have it yanked out of mine in a matter of seconds.

“G-Gerard, p-please give me a-another chance. I’m s-so s-s-sorry. I fucked up, but p-please
don’t l-leave me.”

“Frankie, I can’t have a relationship with someone who can’t forgive me for my past mistakes and tell me they forgave me for it.”

“I-I’m s-sorry, Gerard”

“No you’re not”

“I-I am”

“Just leave me alone and let me pack”

I did what he told me and went into the living room. I curled up in a ball on the recliner. Tears flooded down my face like a waterfall. My chest ached with every breathe I took in. My heart was crushed. I was sitting there sobbing my heart out while the love of my life packed his bags and was preparing to leave me forever.

Gerards POV

I can’t believe he is holding a grudge against me for that. I apologized so many times for
and I feel bad about it still. I’m leaving him, but only so he can be happy and feel safe in his own home. I fucked up his life majorly and now I know that he really did want me out of his life. He didn’t love me he feared me. That was the only reason he agreed to marry me. I felt my heart being ripped from my chest as he asked me stay. I knew he didn’t mean it. I felt that same heart being stomped on as I heard him cry.

He couldn’t and didn’t love me. He just thinks he does from all the years of pretending to be in love with me. I grab my bags and walk to the door. As I opened the door I hear him say one last thing to me. It wasn’t him begging me not leave this time.

“I love you, Gerard, forever and for always”

I wanted to run over and hug him. Tell him he was amazing and the sweetest guy alive. I couldn’t do that though it would hurt him worse then he already is and he needs a better life then what I can give him. So I open the door and close it behind me leaning on it for a split second and whispering to myself wishing he could hear me.

“I love you to, Frankie. More than anything else in this world. That’s why I’m giving up my happiness for you.”

After that I walked away. I got into my car and drove to my parents house. I was allowed to stay with them, but all I told them was we had a fight. No reason to go into details on the whole event. On the fact that I’m an abusive asshole.
♠ ♠ ♠
so sad. comments???
