The Potter Twins

Midnight Travels

Hermione’s POV

A loud scream pierced the night. I sat up and looked around. It was Kizzy. Then Harry and Ron raced into the room.
“Waz going on?” asked Ron.
Kizzy screamed again. I tried to shake her awake but she wouldn’t wake up.
“Let me try,” said Harry. He got down by the dresser and knocked loudly on it.
“Do an imitation of your mum,” He told Ginny.
“Get out of bed you lazy bums!” she said loudly.
Kizzy immediately sat up in bed and called, “Coming Aunt Petunia!” Then she looked around and smiled sheepishly. “Sorry,” she said, “I thought that I was back at the Dursley’s.”
“You screamed,” Ron said, “twice.”
“I did?” Kizzy asked, confused. Ron nodded.

Kizzy’s POV

“You screamed,” Ron said, “twice.”
“I did?” I asked, confused. Ron nodded.
I tilted my head to the side.
“Did you have a bad dream?” Hermione asked.
“I…don’t….know,” I said slowly, “I don’t remember anything, but it was awful, just awful.” My hand went instinctively to my upper right shoulder, where my scar was.
“I’m sure it was nothing,” I smiled, “Go back to sleep.”
“Ok,” Ron said immediately and left the room. Harry gave me a last fleeting glance then followed Ron out of the room.
“Well, goodnight guys,” I said. Then I yawned. “See you guys in the morning.”
“Not so fast,” Hermione said, “Tell us what you saw. I know that you didn’t forget.”
“What are you talking about?” I asked.
“Tell us Kizzy, we won’t leave you alone until you do,” Ginny commented.
“Fine,” I huffed.

Harry’s POV

I lay in my bed and listened to Ron breathe. I decided that I should go check on Kizzy just in case. She is my younger sister after all. I smiled. I knew just what she would say to that. “JUST BY 2 SMALL STUPID MINUTES!”
I got out of bed and crept along the hall to Ginny’s room. I heard Kizzy’s voice speaking and I put my ear against the door to listen.
“I was in a long corridor. At the end of the hall was a door. I slowly walked down that long hall and opened the door. Inside there was a chair. Kneeling beside the chair was, ug, Wormtail. There was also a young man with sandy blond hair.
“I WANT THOSE TWINS!” a voice yelled.
“Yes, yes, of course master,” said Wormtail nervously.
“Don’t worry my lord,” said the man with the sandy blond hair. “The tournament is soon and you will have them then, yes, soon you will have them, not to worry.”
Then the chair turned around to face me. It was the most hideous, ugly, disgusting thing that I have ever seen. I screamed and then I heard Aunt Petunia calling me to get up.”
I closed my eyes and concentrated on breathing. If Kizzy had had that vision too then I couldn’t just pass it off.
Then I crept back to bed and decided to work it out in the morning. I didn’t need to get everybody worked up.