The Potter Twins

Operation Wake-Up Call

The sound of the alarm clock rang in my ear. I rolled over and pressed the top of the alarm clock to turn it off. I slowly sat up in bed. Hermione and Ginny were doing the same thing.
“Good morning,” I yawned. “What do you wanna bet that the boys aren’t up yet?”
“Nothing,” Hermione said, “there is no way that they’re up yet.”
“Here, here,” Ginny mumbled.
“How about we give them a little wake-up call?” I asked
“Like what?” Ginny asked.
“We could wake them up by screaming,” I said mischeviously.
“Perfect,” Hermione agreed.
We all got out of bed and got dressed. I wore dark blue jeans and a pink short sleeve V shirt on top of a white tank top.
After everyone was dressed, we began operation Wake-Up call.

3rd Person POV

Three girls silently creeped down the hall. Kizzy pushed open the door and cringed when it squeaked. The boys didn’t wake from their slumber. Ginny smiled and then held up three fingers. Slowly they counted down to one. Then the girls screamed as loud as they could. The boys sat up and looked around.
“Bloody hell,” Ron said
“Time to go!” Kizzy shouted.
“Get your clothes on, your mum already had breakfast ready,” said Hermione.
Ron groaned and rolled over in bed.
“I’ll scream again,” Ginny warned.
“I’m up, I’m up,” Ron mumbled.
“See you downstairs!” Kizzy called as she skipped out

Kizzy’s POV

I skipped downstairs and welcomed the smell of warm eggs and sizzling bacon.
“Smells good Mrs. Weasley,” I commented.
“Thank you dear,” Mrs. Weasley said as she gave me two slices of bacon and a heaping pile of eggs on my plate.
I was shortly joined by Hermione and Ginny.
“Good morning dears,” said Mrs. Weasley as she put eggs and bacon on their plates too. “Where are the boys?”
“They should come soon,” Hermione said. Hermione,Ginny, and I shared a secret smile.
Ten minutes later the boys slowly made their way down the stairs.
“Good Morning!” I yelled.
Just then everyone gasped.
“What is it? What’s wrong?” I asked.
“Your hair,” Harry said.
“What’s wrong with my hair?” I grabbed a strand and looked at it. Then I screamed. It was a bright sunshine yellow.
“Don’t worry, its probably just Fred and George having a laugh,” Mrs. Weasley reassured me.
“Yea, I bet that’s it,” Harry said, coming to sit by me.
“Start planning their funeral,” I growled