Bite My Lip And Close My Eyes, Take Me Away To Paradise

Joshua Holler, Serenity Eyre, Maximus Red, and Chastity Christianson. All have different moms, dads, live in seperate countries, and different reasons for such. They seem to have nothing in common except for two things: they're a bunch of misfits trying to find their places in the world, and their fathers.

Let's start with Josh... He's the runaway, the kid who grew up with a mother and just wanted to know who his father really was. He's more of the "innocent" kid, sticks to the basic rules, only got in trouble with the law a couple times but it was nothing major. He's always kept a level-head, listened to what people said, yet still got shipped out all the way to India. No real specific reason as to why, just that they could.

Next is Max, now he's got a record unlike Josh. He's the pyrotechnic. He loves blowing things up and setting things on fire. Like, say, schools for example. He's been to seven different schools and it all ended the same way: in disaster. No teacher listened to any of the authorities that told them to watch out for Max, he seemed too innocent. Max gets sent out to Italy and finds a new love that still involved fire: cooking. That mellows him out and everyone comes to love him.

Chastity doesn't live up to her name. Never has, really. As a matter of fact, from a young age, her mother has always accused her of being a slut so she figured, why not live up to her 'reputation'? It all started at age 11, just one year after her mother dropped her off at a whore house. The house gladly accepted her, but authorities pulled her out and threw her into an orphanage where she caused even more mischief and mayhem, and they eventually shipped her out to Japan where she joined the Red Light District scene. She stays troublesome, bitter, and even more pissed off over the next few years.... Can anyone calm this girl down?

Last, but certainly not least, is Serenity who, again, doesn't live up her name. In fact, it's the polar opposite of who she has become. With a violent past, Sere has become an equally and even more so violent person. Fights, drugs, alcohol, foul mouth... it's no wonder she got kicked out of every school and orphanage she's been in just like all the other kids. She gets shipped out to Russia at 8-years-old, where (if possible) she gets even worse. Sere gets a reputation on the streets of Russia to be one of the biggest bad ass out there, and soon enough: the Mob finds her. She joins instantly, but not without an "initiation" of course. There she meets Angel, who's about the only one that lives up to what her name is. But, then again, she is only seven. Sere learns the little girl has been through just as much abuse she has, and she gets an impulsive feeling to save her, so she takes the little girl under her wing and vows to give her the best future she can possibly give Angel. No matter what it took. The only time Serenity seems relatively calm is when she's alone around Angel, any other time she'll kick your ass if you so much as look at her the wrong way. Who can calm this daredevil down?


This idea came from Panic! For Your Life and I. Steal? anddie! suffer whatever weird consequences we come up with!!
I am co-writing this with my fellow Twit, Ellie (aka Panic! For Your Life), yo! I shall be writing the odd chapters, and she'll do the evens. Problem? What I DON'T CARE. Oh! And I'll be writing Serenity's POV, while she writes Chastity.