Sequel: Fallen

Falling Out



Her blond hair swayed as she ran towards the darkness and against the light.

She was running.

She was searching for someone in particular.

Slowly, gradually and finally, she started to lose hope.

Where was he?

Her blue violet eyes skimmed over the scenery.

He was nowhere in sight.

In fact, there was no one in sight.

She turned around to see if she could run back into the light.

But the light, like who she was searching for, was nowhere to be found.

She shivered in fear, not of the darkness, but of getting lost.

It was ironic, really.

There she was.

Afraid that she might get lost, when in fact, she never realized that she was lost.

Her blond hair swayed with ever step she took.

Her mesmerizing angelic face radiated even through the darkness.

Out of fear, she quickened her pace.

She ran at the first direction her feet had led her.

Her body ran faster and faster and was engulfed by the dark abyss.

She dreaded the shadows, but she was the one who came here at the first place.

A new presence entered.

She knew too well, that another soul stood behind her.

Too much fear hindered her from staring back.

Her body wanted to leave, her feet urged her to flee and her mind told her it was more than dangerous to stare at whatever creature stood there.

Her blood ran cold, her face displayed panic and her movements were filled with alarm.

She wanted to scream, but a force stopped her from shrieking.

Without warning, she twirled and gawked at the creature from behind.


Her eyes blinked.

Was it the darkness playing tricks on her?

“Miss me?” A smirk plastered on his lips, seductive eyes glinted with mischief and his voice showed humor.

Worry changed to delight at she gazed at him.

“Not really.” She replied, smiling.

She knew exactly who he was.

Or, she thought she did.
♠ ♠ ♠
annoying you through my randomness: For all you guys out there who have commented if there is a story to go with this, yes there is. Yes, there will be. I’m actually thought of writing this after I finish writing the story ‘Fallen’, but a glimpse of the prologue couldn’t hurt. Anyways, I’ll finish ‘Fallen’ then continue this one.

Yeah. I changed it. I wasn't satisfied with the first one. So yeah. Comment if you wish :)