Can it be...Love?


I really don’t understand why momma makes us do things as a family. We never used to do things like this. We aint no family. This family was broken when my daddy decided to leave for that hussy Katie. She was a dumb Caucasian brunette. He said that he still loved my sister and I but him and momma wasn’t getting along. They looked happy together. They were always smiling, laughing, and stuff like that I didn’t get why he said things weren’t going right. My dad left when I was 10. I knew he was dating Katie, he told me. He promised he would be back to get me, and we would live together again but my momma said he was a liar and I aint going no were. I didn’t believe her until one day he called.

“Janiqua the phone its your daddy” My momma screamed from down stairs.

I rushed down the stairs hoping my daddy would finally tell me that he was coming to pick me up. It has been 2 years since he left. I grabbed the phone out of my mothers hands. (Well more like she shoved it in my hands)


“hey baby girl how have you been”

“fine I miss you daddy”

“ooh baby girl I miss you too more than any thing.”

I giggled

“what were you doing?” he asked

“nothing thinking of more things to bring with me when you come” I said with a smile

There was silence on the other end


“yea baby girl?”

“when are you coming to get me?”

“umm… see baby girl there has been a change of plans” he said

“what do you mean” I said nearly crying

“see me and Katie are getting married soon and she thought that it would be better for you to stay there since you know we are trying to start a new family and all” he said apologetically

“b-but daddy you p-promised. You can’t break a p-promise you s-said you m-miss me m-more than a-anything so that m-means what K-Katie thinks doesn’t m-mean anything you would come and g-get me” I said crying and stuttering

“I know baby girl I am sorry-“ he started

“s-so am I” I said cutting him off and hanging up on him

I cried every night since then and hoped that he would call me back and assure me that one day we will if not today one day. But he didn’t not one time did he call me. I found out the day he got married because he emailed me. I was 13 at that time. How rude can he get? You can’t even call your own daughter? He sent me pictures only of him and her kissing, laughing, hugging, drinking, smiling, and just enjoying each others company. Like we used to do…as a family. When I seen it I nearly broke the computer punching Katie. I cried and cried no one could make me feel better. Not one person up until this day could repair the hole my dad made in me. I have been so sad and depressed since the day he told me he wasn’t gonna come, and no one can change me. Not ever will I love or be happy again...never!
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My chapters may be short I am working on making them longer though.