Can it be...Love?


"Janiqua come on you are taking too long!" Her mother screamed

"Momma I told you I am not going to church"

"Yes you are now get yo black ass down here so we can go!"

Why does momma make me go to church? I don't want to go she just started this shit. My sister Veronica thinks knows nothing about me. She thinks I am up to no good. Veronica keeps on leaving hints trying to tell my mom that I am getting into something wrong. When she knows nothing about me. Thank god my momma so damn dumb. That woman never understands anything, you could tell her pretty much anything and she would ask you to elaborate. That is the only word that woman knows but that's because it mean explain. I wish that woman would understand that church is for idiots. And my dumb ass sister says the real reason I don't want to go is because I probably did some thing wrong like sell drugs or crack and someone found out. I hate it when she gets in my business like she knows. I am 15 were in the hell am I getting drugs from? Who in the hell is going to buy some from me? And she knows damn well I don’t do drugs or sell them she is just one of those gossipers just like my momma. Now how in the hell am I going to get out of going to church? I got an idea!

"Momma please I don't feel well can I stay home" I screamed from my room

"you lie'n" my sister said walking passed my room

"for real momma please"

I waited awhile there was silence

"momma?" I said again walking down stairs holding my head and stomach like I was sick

"okay" momma said talking to this guy that was in the door way

"okay now I'll see you at church" momma said to the man

"okay Mrs. Greenwood" he said. Then he noticed me and smiled

“hello” he said politely

I just stood there until my momma gave me the killer eye

“hey” I said coldly

“Michael this is my baby girl Janiqua and Janiqua this is Michael” my mother said and I walked away

“very well then good-bye Mrs. Greenwood” he said

“no baby please call me Viviane” she said with a smile

“okay then good-bye Mrs. Viviane”

“good-bye baby” she said and closed the door behind him

My momma turned to me with a smile on her face. She look like she was up to something but I really don’t give a damn.

“Were was your manners and no baby you cant stay home alone” she said walking away

“his ugly ass smile stole it” I mumbled to myself so she wouldn’t hear me”

“but momma I am 15 I can stay home please I don’t wanna get the pastor sick” I said groaning and bending over like I really had a stomach ache

“okay baby but please don’t do anything you know you wouldn’t do If I were here” she said

Like I am going to say ‘oh mother I am going to get drunk and set the house on fire that’s all don’t worry” uh, no.

“okay mom I wont I am just going to go to sleep and get ready for school tomorrow” I said walking up stair

“okay baby” she said “Veronica come on we are going to be late!” my momma screamed out at my older sister Veronica.

Veronica didn’t like my father, and she said she never will. When he left she was on my momma side and rubbed it in my face when he said he wasn’t going to come and get me. I still love my daddy…I think? I walked up stairs and my sister gave me that ‘I know you lying’ look and went down stairs. Her and momma left about fifteen minutes later.