Can it be...Love?


The next day was school. Boring as hell, like usual. But something did happen. When I first got to school I was talking to my friend Aria about how I got out of going to church. She is my best friend. She says I need to come out of my bubble and get a man, but I just tell her that I will never love again. She is trying to get me to be happy but I don’t think anyone could do that but my dad.

“Hey Aria” I said waling into the school yard

“Hey J” she said with a smile

“Guess what” I said

“what?” she said eager to hear what I had to say “did you find a man yet” she added

“nooo and my momma was talking to some guy yesterday named Michael he look maybe 16 he was alright but nothing more.” I said leaning against the brick wall that helped hold the school together.

“J girl you need to just come out you are making me stressed just looking at you” she said “You know you my girl and I care about you so I say you should find a man starting with that guy your momma was talking to yesterday” she said with a smile

“No and that is not what I had to tell you” I said and she sighed

“okay then what is it” she said a little upset

“I found a way to not go to church” I said

“really what did you do” she said surprised “I thought you was never going to get out of that your momma is so serious about that I am surprised that she was never married to a pastor” she said with a chuckle and was surprised when I chuckled to

“yea I told her that I was sick and didn’t want to give it to the pastor” and I chuckled again

“hey J you okay” she said with her face in a mixture of a frown and a smile

“Yea why you ask” I said

“because you look…happy for some reason” she said smiling

“oh I don’t know I feel…brighter” I said without thinking

“oh that’s good I like to see you like this you look more alive” she said and I smiled

We walked to our lockers. Hers was right next to mine that’s one of the ways we became friends. We got our books, put our book bags in and headed off to class. We had the same classes. All of the same classes and that is another way we became friends.

* * * *

When we got there we found out that we had a new kid in the school and I bet you would never guess who it was.

“Class today we have a new student” the teacher announced

And in walked the same guy that was at my house yesterday. Every girl in the class was looking at him like he was a god. If eyes could worship he would be in heaven by now. All of the guys were looking at him in jealousy and me? I really didn’t give a damn just another reason to hate school.

“Hello would you like to introduce yourself?” the teacher said with a smile

“sure my name is Michael Manderwell” he said smiling at me. Directly at me!

“Hi Michael Manderwell” all the girls said at once even my friend Aria. All of them except me.

“okay Michael you may have a seat at an empty desk” the Mrs. Frog our psychology teacher said

Do you want to know what he did? He came and sat right on the other side of me. Like I want to sit next to him and see him every time I come to class.

“hey” he said with a smile

“hey” I said coldly

“is anyone sitting here” he said still smiling Why the hell is he smiling?

“I think if they were they would be there by now” I said a little mean. Okay maybe a little more than a little

“very well then Janiqua I am glad we can sit next to each other” he said in a ‘I know you hate me but I just want to get on your nerves’ grin

“yea” I said meanly. What? He deserved it.

Finally class ended and I couldn’t of ran any faster out of that room. Boy was he annoying. I know he didn’t say anything or do anything but still he was burning holes in my face with his eyes. Them suckers is like lasers. I ran straight to my locker where Aria was waiting with 101 questions.

“Hey J” she said watching me change my psychology books to my algebra books.

“hey” I said a little out of breath from running

“you seen the new guy” she said with a smile

“yea and? what about him?” I said turning to her

“umm… nothing just asking are you okay?” she said a little surprised

“umm…sorry that was Michael” I said

“yea I know he said that” she said with a duh look

“No Ari Michael, Michael the Michael from my house Michael” I said

“Oh. My. God.” she said looking surprised then the bell rang and we was off to class.

* * * *

When we got there guess what? He was in my class also and he was sitting in my seat. I walked over to him getting my fist ready to start dancing on someone’s nose.

“hey” he said with a smile

“yea yea you in my seat” I said rudely

“really I didn’t see your name on it” he said with a grin

“Oh I’ll put my name on something alright” I said raising my fist

He looked at me and chuckled. What in the hell is so funny?

“I am sorry Ms. Janiqua but there was no name here so I thought it was an empty chair” he said smiling evilly

“Okay well you thought wrong now may you please get out my seat” I said ignorantly

“sure” he said getting up

Let me tell you what he did. He sat right next to me! How annoying could this guy get? Aria leaned over to whisper in my ear.

“Hey J what was that about?” she whispered even though the teacher wasn’t there yet

“Nothing he was in my seat and didn’t want to get up” I replied

“haha J I think he likes you” she said giggling and smiling. My cheeks turned red

“what?!” I whispered/screamed

“you heard me that guy is into you” she said not missing one letter in her sentence

“no I doubt it” I said as the teacher walked in

* * * *

The class was so darn boring even Einstein would have fallen asleep. That teacher never stops talking, and Michael never stops staring. Life can’t get any worse I thought and right then in there I bumped into someone walking through the hall way. In front of everyone and of course they laughed.

“damn it” I said squirming to my knees being that I hit the floor pretty hard

“are you okay” came a familiar voice

Oh no. Guess who it is? It was Michael smiling down at me. That bastard will pay for this!

“yea I’m alright” I said and realized he was picking up my books. Why is he helping me?

“you cant get enough of me can you” he said handing me my books with a gremlin smile on. What the hell!?

“what?! Are you nuts if I could throw you so far out of the window you would whined up in another school I would do it without hesitation” I said mad as hell “you bumped into me don’t forget that, so now who cant get enough of who?” I said coldly and stormed off leaving him standing there stupidly. Finally he is in his stupid mode I thought and smiled to myself in success. When I finally reached my locker that was located all the way at the end of the hall Aria was waiting for me. And of course she had 3,000 questions as always.

“hey J whats wrong” she said looking concerned

“nothing that stupid good for nothing idiot knocked me over” I said slamming my books in my locker and grabbing my literatures book

“Michael?” Aria asked a little surprised

“yea who else?” I said madly

“wow I didn’t know you hated him that bad what did he ever do?” she asked

“he made his self known in my territory” I said aggressively

“Oh ok” she said looking a little taken back by my words

“I am sorry Ari but he just pissed me off you know what he said?” I asked her as we walked up the stairs to our English class

“what?” she asked eager to know what the stupefied bastard said to me

“this is exactly what he said ‘you cant get enough of me can you’” I said and Aria laughed at me for mimicking his deep attractive voice. Oh no! His voice is not attractive Janiqua don’t say that his voice sounds like a horse getting ran over by a train that’s all I thought and frowned at my mistake.

* * * *

“finally lunch time” I complained nearly throwing my books in my locker

“yea that teacher is crazy” she said referring to the 15 page English assignment due tomorrow

“yea I mean who wants to do 15 pages of work in one day?” I asked

“no one” replied my other friend Kayla. We are like the three musketeers its just she doesn’t have all the same classes as me but she is going to change. “hey did you guys hear about the new guy” Kayla asked curiously.

“oh yes we did” Aria smiled and elbowed me playfully in the side “our girl J over here has been having some trouble since she met him before he came to school isn’t that right J” she asked and I didn’t answer I just kept on walking to the cafeteria “she met him yesterday” Aria added “when she finally found a way to get out of going to church” she finished

“What and you didn’t tell me J?” Kayla said wide-eyed and I still didn’t answer them I was in the daze thinking of-of…..Michael. I cant believe it I am really thinking about him and what would happen if I did date him. I think….I like him