Can it be...Love?

The Party

Oh God I have a huge problem. The party is tonight what am I going to wear!? Okay I have my black halter top and navy blue jeans. Now if I wear that I could wear my black boots and navy blue jean jacket to go. Or, I have a red sleeve less shirt with a black skirt and red leggings. I could wear my black boots with that too. Oh man I am so confused. Is that my phone vibrating?

“Hello?” who could this be?

“Hey its me Michael are you ready?” oh god what am I going to do

“Uh… yea were are you?” I am such a liar

“I am about to leave and come and get you now” god god god

“okay I see you when you get here” what am I going to do

“Bye” he’s saying bye he is on his way

“Bye” and hello confusion

Okay he should be here in a little while I will wear my red out fit with my black leather jacket. It is a bit chilly out side. Now all I have to do is my make-up, and slip my hair back into a nice ponytail then I’ll be done.

* * *

He is here.

He just pulled up, he’s getting out, and he is-

“Janiqua why in the hell are you so dressed up?” oh god that’s momma

“oh I am uh.. going out with a friend” why do I have to go through this on the night I thought was going to be perfect

“really with who?” momma said

“umm its-,” its nice being cut off by the door bell

"well we should see" and there is mystery momma

"hello Mrs. Viviane is Janiqua home?" and her case is closed

"oh my it is Michael, why yes she is, Janiqua baby he is here" oh my god I have the worst momma in the world

'Thanks momma I can take it from here" now leave

"Hey Janiqua you look, wow amazing" he likes it yay!

"Thanks you dont look half bad yourself" we chuckled

" thaks are you ready?"he asked

"Sure lets go"

"good bye Mrs. Viviane" so polite

"bye moma" and off we go

* * *

Aqward silence

We are now in the car slowly dieing form aqward silence. I have to break through this death chamber.

"so who's party are we going to?" I hope this starts a conversation

"Umm. a friend of mines" oh so much information

"Who is going to be there" I asked

"mainly kids from school and just some other kids" oh god

"Woah kids like Aria and Kayla and the rest of them?" please say no

"yea is there a problem with that?" hell yea

"No just wondering" oh god oh god oh god

* * *

Party Time.

"Whats good Mike" who the hell is that and why did he just call Michael Mike?

"Nothin much Joey" oh thats Joey like I know who the hell that is

"And who is this little momma?" oh no the hell he just didnt

"Names Janiqua" I told him

"Hey J names Joey" did he just call me J?

" I said names Janiqua" I snapped at him

"A little attitude huh?" what the hell

"J girl you made it" and there is Aria

"Yea I did"duh I am standing right here

"I thought your name was Janiqua" Joey asked

'It is and I would like YOU to call me by it"

"Oh so just me?" no you and your poop smelling breath

"yes and thank you" I said politely

"Hey Janiqua would you like to dance with me?" aww Michael is so polite

"Yes and you may call me J" I told him taking the hand he offered me

"oh so he can call you J too and not me" asked Joey

" Oh shut up Joey" I said moving my way to the dance floor with Michael

We all may turn out to be good friends.

* * *

Break Away

Me, Michael, Aria, Carl, Kayla, Kyle (Kayla's boyfriend), and Joey is in the backyard of Joyes house just chilling as everyone else jams to the music.

"Janiqua?" Michael calls

"yes?" I answer

"I need to ask you a question" what could it be?

"Anything" I answer

"Janiqua would you-," he was cut off by my cell phone

"give me one second Michael" I said opening my cell phone

"Hello?" who could this be?

"Yes is this Janiqua Greenwood?" asks the person on the other line

"yes this is she how may I help you?" what is going on?

"Your grandmother Grace just had an heart attack she is now at at Frank Hospital"

"What are you talking about? No this has to be some kind of joke" I ask nearly crying

"Janiqua whats going on?" asks Michael

"why me?" I whisper to myself

Why me?