Can it be...Love?


Back to the party...

"Janiqua what is going on?" Michael kept asking me

I cant talk. I just cant seem to get the words out.

"J girl please you are scaring me what is going on" Aria said coming close

"yea J come on speak up" Kayla agreed

"I need to get to Frank Hospital now" I said turning around

* * *

We are in the car

"Do you mind explaining to me what is going on and why I am driving you all the way to Frank Hospital at 10:40 at night?" ask Michael driving

I sat in the passengers seat and everyone else sat in the back. Joey stopped the party and everyone had to leave so he could come with us.

"My grandmother Grace had an heart attack" I said and everyone gasped

"I am so sorry J" Aria said putting a hand on my shoulder

"yea girl me too" Kayla said

"we all are" Joey said putting his hand on my other shoulder

"dont be I will be fine and so will she" I said; gently taking their hands off of my shoulder

"I know that for sure" I said looking out of the window

* * *

We are at the hospital

"What could be taking so long I want to see my grandmother!" I shouted

"be patient Janiqua they will let us see her" my momma said

Everyone is still here with me, supporting me through the whole thing. I was the closest one to my grandmother; even closer to her than her own daughter; my mother. Everyone knows thant and they respect that. No one ever tried breaking us apart when we are together not even for a split second.

"Be patient? I have been waiting for over an hour now this is crazy and momma were is Victoria?" I asked standing up

"she couldnt make it she was busy" she said putting her head down

What kind of stuff is that? Not able to make it when your grandmother is in the hospital recovering from an heart attack? That is absurd.

"What! She couldnt make it because she was busy? What the Hell! Where is she and what kind of business does she have to do that is so freakin important she cant come and see her grandmother in the hospital? huh!?" I screamed

"I dont know Janiqua" she said keeping her head down

"Janiqua calm down it is not her fault she didnt do anything if you want to yell you should be yelling at Victoria not her" Michael said putting his hands on my shoulders

"I am so sorry momma" I said leaning on Michaels cheast with my head down

"its okay Janiqua, its okay" momma said getting up and giving me a hug

How can she hug me, still be so calm and kind when I just yelled at her for no reason? She should be upset. She should of yelled back. But, what is nagging my brain is were could Victoria be that is so important?

"Mrs Janiqua Greenwood would you come here please?" asked the doctor

"sure" I said getting up and following him into a small room so he could talk to me in privacy

"you are allowed to see your grandmother now but I would like to warn you" he said to me

"about what?" i asked a little agitated

"she is not in the best of condition; on her way to the hospital she had a seizure; she is not comprehending well or looking so well" he said looking at me with sympathy

"she is fine she will always look good she is Grace my grandmother" I said looking at him plainly and walking out of the room

* * *

In front Of Grandma

I am standing infront of her, looking down at her as she looks around like she is lost. She changed a little but she is still my grandmother Grace and I love her forever.

"Grandma Grace" I whisper into her ear, she looks at me

" can you hear me?" I ask and she just stares at me

"if you can understand what I am saying open your mouth if not keep it closed" I said and just then she opened her mouth very wide which made me smile.

"I love you grandma Grace" i said and she poked her lips out twice

I chuckled and put my cheek to her lips. She kissed me. I love her so much. She is my grandma Grace.