Can it be...Love?


I am tired.

I havent gotten any sleep since 3 weeks ago when my grandmother had her heart attack. I am tired metally and physically. i have been down to the hospitl everyday after school. i get out of school at 3:30 and i stay at the hospital until 1:00. they let me stay a little longer than regular visits because My grandmother wont go to sleep without me and she usually falls asleep around 11:30-12:00. Victoria doesnt come home until 10:30 momma says and when i get home she is always sleep. On the weekends I go to the hospital from 5:30am to 12:30am. Michael and the rest of them comes with me sometimes and we just sit as I tell them stories of what me and Grandma Grace has been through.Everything is going to turn out to be A-Okay!

* * *

I am at the hospital

"J can you tell us another one of your adventurouse stories with Grandma Grace?" asks Aria

"Sure, I'll tell you about the time grandma wanted to take me to that nice woody place down Maroon Avenue called Spring Way, were the couples usually walk with the path way, flowers, waterfalls and stuff like that on my fourteenth birthday" i said facing all of them

"wow this is going to be intresting" said Joey fixing himself in his seat everyone laughed

"Well on my fourteenth birthday me and Grandma Grace had decided to go to Spring Way. We started walking down the stone path way when grandma swore she saw a bunny so she wanted to go and follow it. well we got lost and she still insisted on going to look for that bunny so we climed up wet rocks and through little but thick streams of water until we got to this waterfall so we stopped and i siad grandma where are we and where in the world is that bunny then here she goes saying she seen it go behind the waterfall. I said grandma grace I refuse to fo begind that waterfall so we sat there for a while talking about my school and work for her until she jumped up saying she seen another bunny run behind the waterfall and she wanted to go behind it and get them. So i disagreen and she begged and whined and begged until I said okay grandma we can go but only if you promise that if we dont see the bunnys you'll take me to get some ice-cream and she promissed, so we started to walk behind there and i heard foot steps and whispers and all of this stuff when we finally got back there someone quickly lit a candel which traveled and lit all of the candels around the whole cave and everyone jumped out screaming surprise, it was so much fun" I finished as everyone laughed and smiled at my story

"11:30 I think it is time for us to go" Kayla said as she looked at me unsure if she could stay or not

"your right it is time for you guys to leave grandma is slepp so I should go too I am a bit tired" I said getting up

As soon as I got up I collapsd

"Soneone get an doctor immediately" was the last thing I heard Michael scream until my sight and sense was taken over by darkness

* * *

I am in a hospital bed

I woke up in a hospital bed dressed in one of those white gown dress thingies. Michael, Aria Kayla, Carl, Kyle, and Joey were sitting at my sides asleep. I tried sitting up and Michael woke up.

"Are you okay?" he asked still a little drowsy

"yes I am okay what happened?" I asked as he helped me sit up straight

"You passed out the doctors said you had way to much lack of sleep" he said wiping his eyes

"Oh sorry go back to sleep" I said rubbing his cheek

"no, I want to stay up with you" he said taking my hand and holding it between his hands

"J you up?" Kayla asked getting up extra drowsy

"yea I'm okay go back to sleep now" I said

"no" she said sitting up straight

"why not?" I asked confused

'because I am not tired any more" she said getting up and splashing some water on her face from the water fountain and getting a drink

"fine where is my momma and Victoria?" I asked wondering if they even came to see if i was okay

"your momma came last night for an hour or so then we made her leave she was getting tired Joey dropped her off" Michael said repositioning himself

"So Victoria didnt come?" why wouldnt she come and see me

"no she said she was busy" Aria

"I dont understand too busy for her sister in the hospital and too busy for her grandmother who just had a heart attack and then a seizure what could she be doing that is so important?" I asked

"we dont know" Joey said getting up

Neither do I.