Can it be...Love?


It has been a week since I have been out the hospital, and a month since grandma had her heart attack and stuff. She is not gatting any better and I am starting to miss her old self. She is still Grandma Grace no matter what condition she is in though. The doctors say she may not make it for another month because of how close they were together and her old age. They also found she had brain cancer and they asked me did I want them to pull the plug. What kind of question is that? I mean that is grandma Grace you cant just give up on her like that. She will be fine and everything will turn out just fine it always does...well sometimes.

* * *

I am at home

I decided to stay home today i am not feeling well, and I havent spent much time with my family. What it still on my mind is what can Victoria be doing that is do important. I will just speak to her today. I can be one confused girl at times. As i walk down stairs I see Victoria, I should talk to her now.

"Hey V whats going on" I said walking pass her at the table to go to the fridgerator and get me something to drink.

"Nothing" she said plainly

"Whats wrong with you, you sound dull" I said opening a can of soda leaning on the counter

"I am fine why should you care?" she snapped at me

"Woah what the hell is wrong with you" I asked taken back by her reaction

What the hell is wrong with her? Did I say something wrong? I mean I just asked why she sounded so dull, was that like some kind of crime or something? Well, there is only one way to find out.

"Nothing you didnt care befor why start now" she said with an attutude

"When did I never care about you or you situation? huh? any time you look sad or you are angry I calm you down and comfort you when you were hurt I am the one who took care of you Who was there when you got your high school diploma and you was running around the house in tears happy as ever while mom was out at work huh? Me, it was me who was there for you and promised to always be there. It was me. Now I am asking you whats wrong and all of a sudden you think I dont give a crap fine you want to be like that!?" I yelled

"I am sorry" she whispered

"I dont care really is that true fine then!" I continued to yell

"I said I was sorry I am so sorry" she yeled and then started to cry

I ran to hug her and comfort her. I feel so bad. I shouldnt of yelled at her like that she didnt deserve it she did nothing wrong. She must be going through something, but what? I will just have to ask her.

"V whats wrong?" I asked

"nothing just nothing" she said through muffled tears

"you have to tell me, how do you expect me to help you and make you feel better when I have no idea what is going on?" I asked rocking her back and forth as she cried

"I cant tell you not yet I cant I am sorry" she said still crying

"You have to, just tell me V I can handle it" I said

"I know you can but I cant" she said as she cried harder

"when you are ready v when you are ready" I said hushing her

I dont nderstand what can be so seriouse where she cant tell me. She always tells me things. Does she have HIV? Aids? No, she cant then she would be loosing weight but instead she is gaining weight. what could it be?

I am so confused.