Can it be...Love?


Yesterday was crazy I didnt understand Victoria and I still dont. Why didnt she come and visit me in the hospital or grandma and why in the heck was she crying like that? There is something really wrong with her. But, what could it be? I have to find out but after I visit Grandma Grace.

* * *

I am at the hospital.

"Grandma Grace? Are you there?" I whispered in her ear

She has gotten worse since day one. She wont look at me she cant understand me she doesnt even give me a kiss any more. I miss my old Grandma grace who always used to make me laugh and smile and she always made me cookies to take with me while we went out on another 'Grandma and Me' adventure. She has just been sitting here looking around like she is unsure on what to do. Everyone has been busy so they couldnt come up with me. Michael has been comeing up sometimes but thats all. The prom is comeing up and I dont have nothing to wear and no one to go with. I bet Michael got someone. I wouldnt be mad because we are not a couple anyways we are just good friends so if he takes someone else that is A-Okay with me.

"Grandma Grace there is something wrong with V but I dont know what, She had an attitude yesterday and then she started to cry because I yelled at her I know you used to always say she was no good and never will be as a joke but I think that it is true, only if you could help me I need you more than anything right now" I said to her remembering whathappened yesterday

"Grandma Grace if you could hear me I want you to know I love you and I always will" I said crying now

"I will always love you, you are my Grandma Grace and cant no one take you away from me not the doctors not mamma not Victoria not death nothing, no one, I love you more than anything and I always will" I said laying on her chest

Is that me phone ringing?

"Hello" who could this be?

"J?" came a voice that sounded like a crying person

"yes who is this?" I asked

"its V I need you at home please" she said crying even herder

"why whats wrong?" I asked getting up out of my chair

"I need to speak to you just please hurry up" she said

"okay I'm on my way" I said and hung up

"Grandma Grace I love you but V needs me I'll be right back" I said giving her a kiss

"I love you" I whispered befor going out side

* * *

I just ran in the house.

"V, V were are you!?" I yelled running up stairs

"I'm in my room" she whispered so low I barely heard her

"What happened?" I asked running towards her on her bed

"I have to tell you something" she said tears streaming down her cheek

"what is it anything" I said out of breath

"I-I'm pregnant" she said looking up at me with watery eyes

"w-what?" I asked taken back by the news

"I know it is alot to take in but I am pregnant and that is why I didnt get a chance to come and see you in the hospital" she said hugging me

"its okay V, everything is going to be okay" I said rocking her as she lowly cried

What is going on? Life was going so well for everyone but me and when my life starts to get better everyone else's life changes.Maybe I was ment to be a loner and be miserable all my life. To be all by myself with no one there for me, to care for me. Maybe that is what I was created for. This situation proves it. I guess I will never find love or be loved that is how I was born and how I will die.

"well...why didnt you come and see granma?" I asked still a little confused

"I know this may disappoint you but J I dont like her, never did and never will I am sorry" she said

I slowly stood up surprised. How could someone say something like that about Greandma Grace? She is he nicest person on earth. I love her and I thought everyone else did too. Maybe I was wrong. I cant turn my back on Grandma Grace like that, but I cant just leave Victoria. What am I supposed to do? If I have to choose between Grandma Grace and, Victoria then I would have to choose Grandma Grace. She was really the only one who was there for me in the good and bad.

"I am sorry V, but I have to go I cant stay any longer, you have truely disappointed me I'm sorry" I said walking out the door

"Please Janiqua come back! I need you I am sorry please!" she cried and yelled behind me

I cannot go back.