Status: working on new chapter... sorry about the wait! high school is killer.

Can You Take This Spike? Mikey Way

Month Later, this happens.


I yawned and walked into McDonalds.

Stupid freaking bet.

Now I have to buy everyone breakfast.

And let me tell you, it ain't cheap getting breakfast for all of them kiddos.

Why do I continuously bet with Bob?

I know i'm not gonna win.

But what can I say, it's just impossible to resist.

You think it is?

Try hanging out with him for one day. Then if he wants to bet something, say no. Walk away,
tell him to fuck off, anything but bet against him.

I'd like to see the day someone refuses to bet against him.

I think he has this sort of super power thing, where he controls your will to not bet.

Anyways, I finally got up to the counter and ordered.

The cashier had on a name tag that said her name was Jayne.

"Did you have to get breakfst for, uhm, damn it, what's their names? Uh, Frank, Ray, and
Bob?" She asked.

"How'd you know?" I replied.

She giggled.

"All three get the same thing everytime."


Suddenly, Frank ran in.

"JAYLINE! GATOR! AGGGHHHH!" He screamed and hid behind me.

"What happened THIS time?" I asked.

"Uhm, well, I may or may not have started to take pictures and may or may not have kept taking pics of Bob... and now he's PISSED!" He giggled hysterically.

I shook my head.

Then Bob came in, with Camille and Holly pulling him away.

"Your dead Iero! DEAD!" He yelled.

Frank looked at Jayne.


He yelled in one breath.


I shook my head.

"Frank, give me the camera..."

"But whhyy??" He whined.

"Do you WANT Bob to kill you?"


"Then give me the effin camera."

He huffed.


He tossed me the camera.

"Bob, look. I'm deleting the pictures, okay? No need to kill Frank anymore.... give it an hour
and you'll have another reason."

Bob grinned.

"True... thank you Jayline!"

Holly stopped pulling on him and Bob grabbed Camille's hand.

Yeah, they're going out now.

How Sweet!!!

I turned to Jayne.

"Sorry about that Frank is a tad bit hyper."

She giggled.

"I can tell."


"But... we don't have milkshakes this early..." Jayne said slowly.

"Why not?"

"Because... it's eight o'clock in the morning."


"No one drinks milkshakes this early."

"I do! Does that mean I'm a no one?"

"I can tell. And no, it doesn't."


And with that, Frank ran and jumped on Bob's back.

I shook my head.

"Sorry about that.... again."

She laughed, not the little giggle, but a full blown laugh.

"It's okay! That just made my day."

"It must get pretty boring here... what time do you get off?"

"Uh," She looked at the clock, "In about an hour. Why?"

"Do ya wanna hang out with us?"

"Completely and utterly random... lemme think, I barely know you, they are all extremely
hyper, and I might have a chance of getting arrested? I'm in."

I looked at her.

"One time okay! Pulled over ONE FREAKING TIME!"

"... you know what? I don't wanna work here any more."

And with that, she jumped over the counter and put her hat and apron on the counter.

She shook her head and her medium length black hair went just perfectly in place.

Under her apron, she had a Green Day t-shirt on.

It was Kerplunk.

"I think I may love you."

She looked down.

"Oh, you like Green Day to?"


I started walking out with her.

"You know, I didn't even get your name..." Jayne said suddenly.

"Oh yeah! Well, I'm Jayline." I said, then pointed at Holly, who was currently drawing on herself with a pen, "That's Holly," I pointed at Gerard, who was drawing Holly. "That's Gerard." I pointed and Mikey, who was reading a comic book. "That's Mikey,"I pointed and Ray, who was shaking his head really hard, due to the fact that Frank just said that he should straighten his hair. "And you know Frank, Bob, and Ray."

We all sighed and tried to sqeeze in Holly's car. We let Jayne sit up front while me and
Camille squeazed in the back.

I sat on Mikey's lap and Bob moves to the back, letting Frank move up front so Camille could sit in his lap.

We started to drive around aimlessly and ended up at starbucks.

"Always here. Why always here?" Ray asked.

I shrugged.

"Cause starbucks is the Devil!" Holly screeched while people stared at her.

"You know what?" She yelled at the people, "mernaner!"

"Mernaner?" Jayne asked.

Holly giggled.

"Mernaner! It means, BLAH BLAH- MOTHA FUCKIN BLAH!"

I shook my head.

"You have a potty mouth!" I yelled randomly.

Holly sniggered.

"You're one to talk! Need I remind you of the duct tape incident?"

I frowned.

"Oh yeah..."

"Holly's pwnin Jayline!" Gerard said in a sing song voice

"OMG! Except for it doesn't stand for Oh My Gosh, It's stands for-" She started.

"Oh My Gerard! It's thefirst time you heard him talk!" I finished.

She stared at me.

"Are you stalking me?"

"No, but that's what I said first time I heard Gee talk."

"Ah." She said.


"I wish I were a fish! I wish I were a fish named Trish! Then I would eat Mish all the time!
Except for I bet you didn't know that Mish stands for marshmallow which I like to eat alot. And marshmallows are like money, they make you really happy, so they're basically the same...thing!" Holly sang.

"Holly, you're a freak." Gerard said.

Holly's eyes started to tear up. She ran into the corner and cried.

"Gerard, you asswipe! You made her cry!... AGAIN! Need I remind you of the last time you made her cry? Bob said one of you needs to rape us and Mikey flipped out and yelled at you! and we were gone for a year!" Jayline yelled.

"I'm sorry! I was just kidding!" Gerard said, raising his hands up, as if in surrender.

Holly got up and ran over.

"It's okay then!" She yelled and tackled Gerard.

I looked at Jayne.

"This is normal for us... last chance to turn back now."

She snorted.

"As if. This is the most fun I had in a while."

Frank glomped her.

"Now you're stuck with us!... Hey, wanna go out?" He asked.

"Uh... sure?" She replied.

"Yay!" He yelled.

I love my friends.
♠ ♠ ♠
heh, hyperactive much?

