Status: working on new chapter... sorry about the wait! high school is killer.

Can You Take This Spike? Mikey Way

Real life FROGGER!


We all sat down at a table in the corner while we watched Ray give the interview.

"Ray looks so professional!" Holly giggled, possibly a little to loud cause Ray glared at us
while Jessica giggled.

"Shut up!" I yelled at her while Ray turned back to Jessica.

We watched and smiled when they got up and Jessica gave Ray a hug.

They walked over here and Holly yelled.

"Jessica! Walk with us, my hoe!"

"Holly! Shut up! You're gonna get us shot!" I yelled.

"Don't make me get my pimp hand.... AGAIN!" She yelled back...

"Yeah? Well... wait, I thought I was your hoe?" I asked.

"Jessica's my hoe now, you're my bitch!"

I shook my head.

"Don't back talk me!" She yelled.

I stared at her.

"But... I wasn't even talking!" I screamed.

People were crowding around us, almost as if they were waiting for a fight......

"Biatch!" She yelled and came over, play slapping me.

Although, it sounded and probably looked real.

I tackled her, well, more or less glomped her to the ground.

"Now the bitch is beating the pimp!" I screamed.

She flipped us over and then started to 'punch' (cough cough) me.

"OHMYGOSH! STOPIT!" I screamed while I flipped us over... again.

I was about to 'punch' her when we both got up and bowed.

"Thank you! You've been a wonderful audience!" Holly yelled to the crowd, while I bowed and

"... You're still my bitch though..." She added.

I shook my head.


I ran and glomped him, even though he was sitting down drawing.

"Why are you my pimp too?!" I screamed at him.

"...what?!... Holly! What'd you tell her this time?" Gee yelled at her.

She smiled and shrugged.

"Me thinks Jayline is on something..." She staged whispered.

Jessica was standing there, looking like she was scared.

"Are you scared?" I asked.

"No!...maybe!...ok, yes..." She replied.

"It's okay to feel scared!"

We all sat there for a second.

"IWANNAHAPPYMEAL!!!" Holly screamed, then ran outside, across the road to the

I shook my head.

Jayne looked at me.

"Oh crap, that's my old work place. The ol' hag will KILL me."

I thought for a second.

"Frank, give me your hoodie, Bob, give me your glasses. Ray, stand there and look pretty."

Frank tossed me his hoodie, which I threw over Jayne's head, fixing it so you couldn't really
tell it was her. Bob handed me his glasses, which I handed to her. I looked at Ray.

"Ray, would you happen to have a rubber band?" I asked.

He ran to the back, and came out with three rubber bands.

"Thank you Ray!" I yelled, then fixed Jayne's hair.

I stood back, and smiled in satisfaction.

"That'll work." I said, then pulled her outside and ran across the road to.

"REAL LIFE FROGGER BOBERT!" I screamed across the road.

He flipped me off and dodged the cars while they honked their horns.

He got to the other side and then there was Ray.

"C'mon Ray! Run!!" I screamed.

"Yeah dude, hurry up!" Bob yelled.

He shook his head, fro flying around.

Bob turned to me.

"I bet you Ray gets hit, cussed out, or flipped off when he comes over here." Bob told me.

I grinned.

"What happens if I win?" I asked.

Bob snorted.

"Think about it. Are you really gonna win?" He asked.

I shrugged.

"Probably not, but that's beside the point."

"Twenty bucks?" He asked.

I nodded.

We looked across at Ray, who was now starting to run across.

I really REALLY hope anything doesn't happen to him... I'm broke.

We both watched.

He was half way there.

So far, luck was on my side.

He made it across.

I stood there for a second, before I realized.


I ran inside.

"GUYS!IBEATBOB!" I yelled in one breath.

Suddenly, Frank ran in, Bob and Ray close behind.

"Guys, Ihaveanideaforgee'sbirthday." He said real fast, looking to see if Gee was coming.

"Well, what is it?" I asked.

"No time. He's coming." Frank said.

Gerard came in a second later.

"Pay up Bob." I told him, holding my hand out.

"Uhm, yeah, about that..." He started.

I looked at him.

"You don't have twenty, do you?"

He shook his head.


"Work it off?" I asked.


"Okay then.... BOB'S MY HOE!" I screamed.

"Am not!"

"Are you gonna work the money off and give it to me?" I asked.

"Well, yeah."

"So, you're my hoe, which means I'm the pimp.... and since Holly and Gee are my pimps,
does that make you their hoe to?" I asked.

"Yes." Holly said, grinning.

"Hey, Gee, you know there's a new art store open up down the street?" Camille asked him.

His eyes lit up.

"Really?!" He asked, obviously very happy.

Jayne nodded.

"Yeah, you should go check it out." She added.

He nodded.

"I am. Later!" He yelled as he ran outside.

Camille turned to Jayne.

"Thanks. Now," She said, turning to Frank, "what were you saying?"

"I have an idea for the most amazing birthday present for Gee!" He said, very excited.

"What?" I asked.

"The band. We get it together. We have about... five? yeah, five days, untill his birthday. We have enough time." Frank said.

"Dude! That's a-fucking-MAZING!" Bob yelled.

Frank nodded, looking very proud of himself.

"C'mon! Let's go start!" He yelled, before running outside.

We all ran after him, hoping he wouldn't hurt himself...
♠ ♠ ♠

like the update?

sorry it took so long...


remember, comments are love.
