Status: working on new chapter... sorry about the wait! high school is killer.

Can You Take This Spike? Mikey Way

Skipping? Who, me?

Holly came up behind me and grabbed my shoulder.

"Follow me!" She said and dragged me away.

"I don't have a choice, do I?" I asked.

She giggled.

"Not really."

"Ok. Just wanted to clear that up."

We went into the girls bathroom and she made me wait untill the late bell rang.

"What are we-"

She cut me off.

"Just follow me."


We walked out of the bathroom.

She looked down the hallway at the boys bathroom.

A few seconds later the guys came out.

"I should've known this was coming." I muttered to myself.

"Yeah...." Holly added in.

Then Frank came up to me.

"So, Gator, have you ever skipped school?"

I looked at him inocenntly.

"Skipping? Who, me Frankie Boy?" I asked just before I bust out laughing.

He grinned.

"That's what I thought."

Then Holly came up.

"Come on!"

She said while pulling on my arm.

"Stop! You kids!" I heard someone shout down this way.

We looked down the hallway and we saw an old woman.

She was really short.

"Damn, that's our principal." Holly muttered.

"Follow us, keep up, and don't look back." Mikey and Frank said.

"O...K...?" I asked.

Holly grabbed my wrist.

"Just do it."


Then they all started running and I sped up to get next to Holly.

We didn't stop running untill we got to te front door. Then, we waited for both secretaries
were busy and then we ran out both doors.

We walked all the to the very end of the parking lot.

There was a black little hybrid car at the end of the parking lot.

I looked at it and busted out laughing.

"Wha- nevermind, I know why you're laughing." Holly rolled her eyes and unlocked it.

"I bet to get in and out, you.... you gotta use a lotta lotion!" I laughed.

Frank stood there a second, I could see when he got it cause it was like a little lightbulb
went off over his head.

"Missed it the first time and caught it on the rebound, didn't cha?" I asked sarcastically.

Then he started laughing as hard as me, which only made me laugh harder, which got him to laugh harder, and soon enough, we were just two red faced people doubled over, laughing hysterically, holding onto each other to hold ourselves up.

Holly and Bob looked at us.

"Frank's gonna rape Jayline." Bob said.

"Only, it won't be rape cause you can't rape the willing!" Holly added in.

I stared.

"Ok.... no offense Frankie Boy, but ew ew ew...."

"None taken."

"We should probably leave before the teachers get out here." Gerard put in.

I stared.

"What?" He asked.

"OMG!!! Only it's not 'Oh My God' it's 'Oh My GERARD'!!! It's the first time I heard you talk!"


"Let's go!"

Mikey and Frank we're already in the back and Gerard piled in the back. Bob got in the front
and I looked at Holly.

"Where am I gonna sit?" I asked Holly.

She grinned.

"You can sit in Gerard, Frank, and Mikey's lap, ya know, kinda like, layed on their laps."

"Only thing I can do?"


I huffed (in a good way)


I got in and spread out on their laps.

"Hey, Jayline?" Holly asked me.


"Don't get raped."

"I'll try my best."
♠ ♠ ♠
My birthday is coming up!

So, what do you think about the new Green Day CD?

Pretty Amazing, if you ask me.

: )
