Status: working on new chapter... sorry about the wait! high school is killer.

Can You Take This Spike? Mikey Way

Prom Night Dumpster Baby?


Oh. My. God.

Jayline's head is in my lap. Well, kinda, but all the same. I have no idea how long we're

gonna be in here or where we're going.

Suddenly, Holly made a sharp left and Jayline slid closer to me.

"Ack!" She yelled.

Holly laughed and slid into a parking spot.

Bob got out and slid the seat up and so did Holly.

Frank was sitting in the middle and pushed Jayline to the ground of the car.

"Oh, gee, thanks." Jayline said sarcastically.

He grinned.

"Your welcome!" He said and grabbed her hand to get her out.

Jayline got out and while everyone else got out I heard Holly say to Jayline

"Oh, and... yeah..... I kinda forgot.... not really, but there's another seat in the front."

Jayline stared at her then started to chase her.

Holly started to screech.

"GERARD!!!!!!!!!!!! SAVE ME!!!!!!!"

Gerard then tackled Holly while Jayline ran and hid behind me.

"Hide me Mikey!!!" She yelled.

Holly got up and tackled Gerard, the way they fell, Holly was stradling him.

I could see Holly blush a little when I got her up and we ran.

I saw where we were.


"OMG!!! I love coffee!!!!!"Jayline squealed.

Yeah, I think she'll fit in with us just fine.

Wow, she looks cute when she's hyper.

I mentally shook my head.

What am I doing, thinking about her like that?

I just met her, not even two hours ago...

But still....

No, don't think of her like that.

We got inside and ordered our drinks.

Then Holly chugged about half of hers before she realized it wasn't decaf.
She shrugged. "To late to make any difference now!"

Not soon after she started yelling


Bob looked at Gerard, Bob then yelled after Holly.

"You and Gerard are gonna have Prom Night Dumpster Babies!!! And you're gonna have sex in Starbucks!"

That stopped Holly.

"Oh yeah? Well.... at least I won't be a forty year old virgin living in his mom's basement!"

Jayline looked at Bob.

"Ohhhhh, would you like some ice with that BURN!"

Gerard looked at us then at his phone.

"I gotta go guys."

Holly ran up to him.

"Where ya goin?" She asked innocently.

He sighed and told her.

"On a date."

"With who?"

"Uh...." And with that he ran outside.

Holly shrugged and plugged in her Zune.

"We are the Men In Black," She started singing and then stopped.

"I gots an idea Jayline." She said in a very singong voice.


"Let's go follow Gee and his date."

"Like, stalk follow?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"Alright then. Let's do it!"

"First we need to get a few things though."

"Uh.. one problem with that. I have no money."

She snorted.

"My parental units are loaded. Do you think they'll miss twenty or fifty dollars? No, they

don't. Trust me."

"Alright then, let's go!"

Holly and Jayline ran outside, leaving us in Starbucks.

I wonder about that girl sometimes.


To wonder about Jayline.

The question is… do I like her?


We ran inside wal-mart and got black;

Eyeliner, eyeshadow, hoodies, jeans, hats, and a surprise.

We ran to her car and she looked over.

“There he is! At Longhorns!”

We got in her car and drove over there.

We jumped out, holding our hands like guns and running inside.

There was a little separator between the waiting place and the eating section.

We crouched down, looking over the divider.

Holly whispered.

“There he is!”

She pointed over at him.

“Can I help you?” The waitress asked.

Holly jumped up and I followed.

“Uh… yes, we need two seats by him and his date.” Holly said, pointing at Gerard.

The waitress looked at us with raised eyebrows.

“Whatever.” She mumbled and sat us down across from him.

She got our drinks and we very carefully and inconspicuously pulled out our surprises.

“1...2...3!” Holly mouthed.

We jumped up and ran over to their table.

We started squirting our waterguns at the date mysterious person.

She screeched and Gerard yelled.

We stopped and Gerard started yelling at us.

‘Why’d you do that??!!”

We glanced over at the date.

She looked… PISSED.

We started to grin innocently.

Holly looked at the date.

“That’s what you get for trying to steal Gerard from me!” She yelled.

“Yeah!….Wait….What??!!” I said.

The date turned to Gerard.

“You had a girlfriend ALREADY?” She said.

“No…. wait,…. Kara!” Gerard said, turning to Kara.

“Don’t say a word Gerard Arthur Way!” She pushed him away and we followed Gerard.

Holly tried to jump on his back and I just clung to his arm.

He shook his head.

“Great. Now no girl's gonna go out with me! Kara will tell everyone that if they go out with me their gonna get squirted with water guns.”

Holly and me grinned.

“That’s what you have us for!” Holly said.

We pulled him out and back into our car to go back to Starbucks.

Oh. My. Fucking. Gustav.

I’m gonna love it here.
♠ ♠ ♠
it's exactly 6 days before my birthday!

so that makes me happy.
