Status: working on new chapter... sorry about the wait! high school is killer.

Can You Take This Spike? Mikey Way

Oh. My. Gustav.

Jayline's P.O.V.

We ran into Starbucks and sat down.

I looked at Holly.

“Quick! We need a alibi!”

I looked at Bob, Ray, Frank, and Mikey.

“If anyone asks, we were with you the whole time. Got it? Good, ok. Next priority-” I got cut off.

“Did you and Holly have a four way with Gerard and his date?” Bob asked.

“No.” I snorted.

That’s about the time Gerard blew up.

“Why did you do that to Kara! I really liked her! Then you went and just bombed everything to hell and back for us!”

Holly’s eyes started to tear up and she ran into a corner.

I started to yell at Gerard.

“Look what you did! You made her go all emo in the corner! She may have got the idea and got me to go along with it, but it’s just because she likes you-” I cut off mid-rant. I clapped my hand over my mouth and turned to Holly.

“Uh…. Holly… RUN!!!”

She got up and we ran outside to the back of Starbucks.

“YOU DID WHAT?!?!” Holly shrieked.

“Uh… I didn’t mean to.”

“I’m gonna die!” She wailed.

“No you’re not.”

“I’m leaving!”

“No, you’re not.”

She raised her eyebrows.

“You honestly think that?”

I looked at her.

“Take my car?” I asked.

She looked surprised.

“You’re coming with me?”

“Naw dip Shelock.” I said.

We ran off to get my car from the school.


We all walked out to Holly’s car, waiting to see if her and Jayline was out there.

We got to the car and looked in.

There was a note on the driver seat.

I got in and read it.

Ok. People, Bob get’s my car.

Atleast until I get back.

“Sweet! I get her car!” I said.

Frank came over to me.

“What about me?”

“Oh yeah, there’s a p.s.”

P.S. If Frank asks why he didn’t get the car, I think he’s way to dangerous, and two, he made fun of it.

Frank huffed.

“Well, that’s mean.”

We all turned to Gerard.

“It’s all your fault!” I yelled.

“What??” Gerard asked.

“You yelled at them-” I started.

Frank jumped in.

“THEN you made Holly cry in the corner and Jayline yelled at you and accidentally said that Holly liked you,”

“Wait…what??!! I zone out for one minute and I miss THAT???” Gerard yelled.

“Yeah!” Ray yelled.

I glanced at Mikey.

Poor boy. I think he’s in shock.

Suddenly he started yelling.

“NOO! Why’d you do it Gerard??!!! Why?” Mikey yelled.

Frank looked at him.

“Woah…. Major freak out….”

Gerard looked at him.


“Don’t you get it!!!,” Mikey started. “There’s two sixteen and seventeen year old girls out there doing God-knows-what at God-knows where!!!! HOW CAN YOU NOT BE WORRIED???? THEY’RE GONNA GET RAPED!!! And, p.s. IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT!”

Gerard went all wide eyed.

“I don’t know how this is my fault still!”

“Nooooo!!! One of us has to rape Holly! It should be me!!!….On second thought… It should be Gerard.”

Gerard looked at me like, what the fuck dude.

“What about Jayline?” Mikey asked.

“Fine, you can rape her.”

“What about me?” Frank asked.

“Uh… three way with Mikey and Jayline.”

“Nooo!!!!!” Frank yelled, “To akward!!!”



Ray walked over to me while everyone else was having spaz attacks about who was gonna rape who.

“Ok,” Ray said, “Step-by-step. After you got done yelling at Holly and Jayline, are you with me?”

I nodded.

“Holly started crying and ran to the corner. Got that?”

I sighed and said “Go on.”

“Jayline started to rant and yell at you and let it slip that Holly liked you. Understand?”

I looked at him.

“WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?! But go on,”

“They ran out of Starbuck and that’s the last we’ve seen them.”

I stared.

“But… they trashed my date, how is it MY fault?”

“Well, because Holly did it for a obvious reason and Jayline is just…. Retarded and is Holly’s best friend so…..”

I sat down on the ground.

Completely and utterly confused.

“CARRRR!!!!” I heard Bob yell. “We’re gonna have Gerard pancakes!”

I rolled out of the way just as they screeched to a halt

Bob’s parents stormed out of the car.

“BOBBY BRYAR!!!” His dad yelled.

His mom came and grabbed him by the ear.

“Oww! Ow!! What’d I do! You need to do this to Gerard! He made Holly cry!”

His mom stopped.

She came over to me, still holding Bob’s ear and pulled mine to.

“Why’d you do that??” She yelled.


Ray went over and explained the whole thing.

“So…Holly and this other girl are gone?” His dad asked.

“Yeah, and they’re gonna get raped!” Bob yelled before he could think about it.

His mom pulled his ear harder.

“Don’t even joke about that Bob Bryar!”

He stopped.

“Yes Momma.” He said quietly.

Mikey and Frank this whole time was slowly sneaking to Holly’s car.

They got in and I vaguely heard Frank yell,

“Damn! The keys aren’t in here!”

“Yeah, cause I have them! Mom, Dad, run Gerard over!!!” Bob yelled.


“Because of the whole incident Ray told you about!”

“Now, just because he has long black hair, wears girl make-up and girls clothes, and is incredibly super pale, doesn’t mean we need to run him over.” Bob’s dad said.

I stared.

“Uh… hello? I’m right here. Your wife and Bob’s mom is still holding my ear…”

I said.

“What that have to do with anything?”

“I think that’s the real reason you want us to run him over.” His mom said.

“Uh…no..not really.” Bob said.

“Ok…. Well then, go looking for her!” They said.

We all stared.

“But, don’t you want us to go back to school?” Ray asked.a

Everyone turned to him.

“Shut up!!!” We yelled.

“Go find Holly and the other girl. NOW!!” They yelled.

“Yes mam.” Bob said as we all piled into Holly’s car.

We drove around for hours on end untill we all had to go home.

I sighed and looked out the window.

I glanced at Frank and Mikey.

They looked extremely sad.

This car used to be full of joy and hyperness.

Now, it’s quiet and somber.

I pray to God they’re alright.


*Earlier while they were looking for them*

We looked out of the gas station we were in.

I saw my car on the other side of the road. It looks like they are having fun without us.

"Ok Jayline, we do we go?" I asked.

"Uh....," She started looking at a map. "How about..... here?"

Her finger was resting on Kentucky.

"Ok....but WHERE in Kentucky?"

"How bout the capitol?"


"Nooo... Frankfort."

She concentrated for a second.

“I’m pretty sure it’s Louisville.”

“Bet on it?” I asked.

She shrugged,


We left that night after we looked around.

I’ll sure miss this place.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, I know a LOT about people thinking Louisville is the capitol....


