Status: working on new chapter... sorry about the wait! high school is killer.

Can You Take This Spike? Mikey Way

Frank's a stripper!


*A year later*

We got out of the car and stretched our legs.

Finally, after twenty hours in the friggin’ car, we got back home.

We decided to go to Starbucks.

We ran in and got in line.

We got up to the front and heard a familiar voice say,

“Hi, what can I get you today?” He asked, very bored.

“Uh… a tall mocha raspberry frappuchino. And my smart car back.” Holly said.

“And for you not to rape me.” I added.

He looked up.

His eyes got wide when he realized who we were.


“What? Where’s the fire?” Frank came up and asked.

“What’s up?” Ray came up behind Frank.

Holly couldn’t stand it.

“POOOOFERRR!!!!!” She screeched.

“FRANKIE BOY!!!” I yelled.

Frank looked at me.

“IT’S GATOR!!!” He yelled then jumped on my back.

Bob being Bob, yelled,


Holly walked over to Ray and started playing with his hair.

Frank looked as excited as he had ever been.

“I can’t wait to see the look on Mikey and Gee’s faces!” He started jumping around.

I started jumping with him.

“Oh, look!!!!” He yelled, then started spinning around, curving his back trying to get his shirt off, cussing the whole time.

“Woooo!!! We got a stripper in here!!” I yelled, laughing hysterically.

He stopped, looked at me and started doing a striper dance, taking his shirt off.

Just when he took his shirt off, Gerard and Mikey came in.

They looked at me, on the verge of tears, from laughing so hard, to Frank who had his shirt in his hand over his head spinning it around then stopped it all Matrix-like.

“Hey Gee! Hey Mikey!” Frank yelled,

They both said together,


Frank grinned,

“I was trying to show her my new tattoo then while I was taking my shirt off, she yelled that we had a stripper in here and I had to do a stripper dance.” He said in one breath.

They looked at me.

Mikey yelled,


Gerard just stood there, looking akward.

Holly looked at Gerard, looked away, and started blushing.

“Awkward…” I said, in a singsong voice.

“Look!” Frank yelled at me.

I turned and looked at is back.

There was a jack-o-latern on his back.

“Oh my God! You trusted him enough to let him get a tattoo!?!?!” Me and Holly screeched.

He grinned.


Then it got quiet.

It was a semi happy, mostly awkward silence.

Oh God, how I hate those silences.

I wanted to break it but I wasn’t sure of what to say.

Just then, thank the Lord, Frank broke the silence by yelling

“Group hug!”, while squeezing us all together.

Thank you Frank.

Huh.. Mikey hasn’t said much.

I wonder why…
♠ ♠ ♠

I wanna thank Candi Smiles,

cause she commented my story and has decided she loved it and so I'm gonna update the whole story up to where I am now.

If you love the story,

thank her!

