Not a Second to Waste

Holly Halvorsen was in a car crash; she was eighteen years old. Her older brother Eric blames himself, as he had been on the phone with her at the time, but it was not his fault in anyway. It wasn't Holly's fault either. The man driving the red Ford truck had a blood alcohol content of .10, exceeding the legal limit. He was drunk and chose to drive, and because he did, Holly Halvorsen ended up in Tempe Regional Hospital. Eric heard the horrifying crunch of his sister's car and her piercing scream and was the one to call 911 when the line went dead. She was unconscious for nine hours; and when she woke up, she remembered her name and the names of her parents and her brother, but nothing else. The doctor said things would get better with time, but in the year that she has had to recuperate, her life still hasn't been pieced together completely. Her brother is going on tour with his band and doesn't want to leave his fragile sister, so he offers her a spot working for them and she eagerly agrees; being stuck in Tempe, Arizona under her parents thumbs wasn't half as exciting as traveling the states under her brother's. When she meets Nick, something tugs inside her, something about him gives her hope and she can only hope that it is only a matter a time before her life is finally complete again.

Disclaimer: I own no celebrity, anything relating to a celebrity. I own the plot and Holly.