I Don't Need You To Save Me


Joe took me on a long winded walking tour of all his favourite places in town, handing me flyer's to stick up every couple of meters we walked. It was nice to actually see some of Wyckoff. I'd hidden in the house for too long. Also, I was lucky that it wasn't really busy in the center of town or anywhere for that matter, just in case someone spotted me.

I wasn't thinking about myself though, I didn't want to spoil Joe's fun by some random fan screaming from across the street or anything like that.

Eventually we reached this cute little coffee shop that was tucked away from the rest of the main shopping area of town, the coffee shop where Joe and his brothers were going to be performing soon.

Joe bounded in like he lived there, and walked straight over to one of the tables tucked away in the far corner of the shop. I followed him, keeping my head down just in case. I sat on the chair opposite Joe and then dared to lift my head to a normal level.

I glanced round the small coffee shop and inhaled the deep smell of coffee beans. “This is a pretty cool place.” I smiled and looked back over at Joe.

He just shrugged. “Its alright I guess. Its not really anything special.”

“Nothing special.” Someone repeated from behind me. I turned round to see a girl that looked like the same age as me smiling over at Joe. “That's my fathers lively hood your talking about there Joseph.”

“You know I'm only kidding.” He grinned and ran his hand through his hair. I had noticed that he hadn't straightened it again today. I really did prefer it when it was curly.

“You better be!” The girl smiled back. “Can I get you anything?” She asked politely and it was only then that I noticed she was wearing an apron and carrying a small notepad in her hand.

Joe turned to me. “Do you want a drink or anything Hayleigh?”

“Erm, I'll just have a hot chocolate or something?” I replied.

We both looked up at the girl, whose name I was still to find out. “Make that two hot chocolate's then.” Joe smiled and rubbed his neck. “Thanks Jenna.”

“No problem.” Jenna smiled and then walked away.

“One of Nicks fan girls.” Joe laughed as he explained and messed around with the zipper on his coat. “They come in their millions.”

“Its probably because he's still in high school.” I smiled. “But then again musicians are hot. No matter how old you are.”

Joe gave me a funny look. “And where did you get that from?”

“Its a common known fact Joseph.” I shook my head at him and looked down so my hair was hiding my face a little. “You know, there's just something about a guy who can sing, write songs or play an instrument that's well, quite attractive.”

“Oh really?”

I looked back up at him. “You could ask any girl.” I replied with a smirk.

“Fine, I will.” He replied. “Do you find musicians attractive?”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “I think they can be, as long as they aren't totally manufactured and everything. If they can actually write their own songs and actually sing, that helps.” I looked down at the table. “What girl doesn't dream that a guy will write a song for her?” I asked .

Joe laughed. “Well, I wouldn't know. But I'm guessing you're talking about a large majority?”

“Well, I can only base it off my own opinion. ” I laughed along with him. “But I'm guessing so.”

“I will have to remember that.” Joe said to himself. I gave him a funny look. “For future reference.” He grinned at me and I rolled my eyes.

Our hot chocolate's arrived then. Jenna walked over carrying two steaming mugs and placed them in front of us. Joe refused to let me pay for my own drink, insisting that it was his treat. It took a while before I agreed with him.

“I do have money you know.” I pointed out to him, after arguing with him about it. “I don't like to brag about it, but I can afford a lot more then a hot chocolate.”

“Don't you think I know that?” Joe laughed. “But can't a guy do something nice for a change?”

“Fine.” I mumbled. “But I'll find some way to pay you back, somehow.”I told him and took a sip of my hot chocolate.

“I have an idea.” Joe piped up after a few minutes. “Just how long are you staying here?” He asked me.

I shrugged and took another sip of my drink. “I don’t know, I think my dad wants me to stay here a couple of months. It depends on what he says really. Why?”

“Because I was going to suggest a way you could pay me back.” Joe grinned.

I raised an eyebrow. “And what is this idea of yours then?” I asked

“Let me take you out for dinner one night.” Joe suggested. I finished off my hot chocolate and put the empty mug down on the table between us.

“Please can you elaborate on how that is me paying you back?” I asked with a shy smile. I couldn't’t help but wonder if it would be a date or not.

“Because you would be doing something nice for me on my birthday.” He replied simply. I rolled my eyes.

“Can’t I just buy you a nice present or something?” I asked.

“Are you embarrassed to be seen out in public with me?” He pretended to look shocked and held his hand up to his chest. I shook my head.

“No, its just I don’t want you spending lots of money on me when you don’t have to.” I looked down at my hands and messed around with my nails.

“Even if I want to?” Joe asked. I shook my head with a small smile and looked back up at him.


“Nick?” I knocked on the closed door and pushed it open slightly. He didn't hear me. I could tell from the way he continued to let his hands wander over the keys of the piano. The song he was playing was beautiful. Like what I had heard him play on guitar, it was quite simple, but the simplicity of it made it even more amazing. I stood at the door to the room, listening quietly. He looked up briefly from the keys and looked shocked to see me standing at the doorway.

“I did knock.” I pointed to the door, worried for some reason he would be mad at me for walking in on him playing.

“Its fine.” He smiled at me and patted the space next to him on the piano stool. “You don't need to look so worried you know.”

I laughed and walked over to sit next to him. “I just didn't know if that was a private song or anything.”

Nick laughed with me and ran his fingers over the keys, without playing them. “Not really. When it comes to music, there are no secrets in this house.” He informed me and then ran his hand through his curls.

“Play something for me then.” I grinned at him. He stared down at the keys for a few moments before smiling to himself and beginning to play. I sat and listened to the simple melody. It was like the songs he had played with his brothers on his guitar, it wasn’t the most complex piece of music in the world, but that is what made it so beautiful. It made me to sing along, even though I couldn't sing for the life in me.

When he had finished he let his hands linger over the black and white piano keys before turned back to face me. “Its not exactly finished yet.” Nick shrugged.

“Its fine the way it is, honestly its beautiful.” I grinned at him. “If you’re going to tell me that you’ve written that all by yourself I may have to kill you for being too talented.”

Nick chuckled. “Get ready to kill me then.” He grinned back at me and let his fingers run silently over the keys once again.

“Do you have any lyrics to go with it?” I asked.

“Yes, but nobody gets to hear those until I’m completely happy with those.” Nick nodded and his eyes followed his hand that was now tracing over the ebony keys.

“I bet they’re just as amazing as the music.” I pointed out.

“You are just being nice.” Nick looked down so I couldn't see his face.

“No, I'm being honest.” I smiled and shook my head in disbelief. “You are amazingly talented. Honestly Nick. I wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true. I'm still amazed that you haven’t been signed by someone yet.”

“Well, things don’t always go the way that you want them to. Which does kind of suck, but never mind.” Nick shrugged.

“Look Nick, you shouldn't give up yet.” I rested my hand on his shoulder in what I hoped was a reassuring way. “I know you probably wont want me to compare this to me at all, but getting somewhere in this business takes a lot of work. I’ve been doing this since I was six years old, and its taken me ten years to finally make a name for myself. All you have to do is keep working at what you love and you will get somewhere.” Nick looked up at me. “You’re bound to go far Nick. You just don’t realise it yet.”

I didn’t expect him to hug me, but he did. He just pulled me into a warm friendly hug. I was shocked at first, so I awkwardly patted him on the back. I heard him laugh and then he pulled away from me.

“Sorry.” He laughed again awkwardly and ran his hand through his curls once again. “But thank you for that little speech.”

“Don't mention it.” I smiled and let my hand rest on the keys.

“Do you play?” Nick asked me. I shook my head.

“No !" I laughed at the thought. "I'm not musically talented in anyway. I can't even play chopsticks!"

“Don’t you even sing?”

“That’s why I never wanted to do any musicals.” I laughed.

Nick took hold of my hand and rested it on the keys so each of my fingers was on its own key.

“Copy me.” He instructed. “Press each key down separately, and put your third finger on the black key next to the note its on.” I watched him play a simple tune and attempted to copy him. It didn’t go so well the first time but I was determined to give it another go.

“Don’t stress if it goes wrong the first time. If you stress, you’re more likely to go wrong the next time.” Nick played the tune once again and I tried to copy him. I managed to get the first two notes but the third seemed to be a problem. I giggled after the fifth time at getting it wrong.

“I really can’t do it.” I laughed and put my face in my hands.

“Just keep trying. You’ll get it eventually.” Nick chuckled to himself and put my hand back on the keys.

“No!” I laughed and pulled my hand away from his. “Its too embarrassing.” I folded my arms and blushed. “Especially in front of someone who’s too talented for their own good.”

“Fair enough, but I am going to start teaching you guitar soon, and I will make you musically talented.” Nick promised me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Its not very interesting. But oh well. Chloe begged me to update, and after like five attempts (I had problems with formatting and everything) I managed to update. Things start picking up from the next chapter, thats for sure. I'll update again at the weekend, because after that I dont know when I'll be able to. So, enjoy it while you can :)
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