Status: Finished

It's All We Know


“Jessica Louise Morgan get your little butt down here now!”

Jessi giggled and looked at her friend her brown eyes shinning with mischief and happiness.

“Sssh or she’ll hear you,” Rian said beside her, before collapsing into a fit of laughter himself.

“That is it!” Jessi’s mother appeared she shook her head at the two children crouched on the floor behind her new cream couch.

“Look what you have done to my new suite! And my floors, out, now both of you!” she exclaimed pointing her finger towards the door.

Jessi squealed with laughter and ran out of the room quickly leaving her best friend frightened and looking up at Jessi’s mother helplessly.

“Come on Rian, go get yourself cleaned up,” Jessi’s mom said in a more gentle tone, she stepped back and watched as the six year old boy scrambled from her living room leaving a trail of muddy footprints behind him.

Jessi sighed to herself as her mom started on one of her stories, she had heard this particular one too many times, and each time she did it brought back embarrassing childhood memories. Memories that she would much rather forget, especially those involving a certain Rian Dawson.

Although try as she might, those memories never faded from her conscience. Each and every one remained intact in her mind, and she feared they would stay there forever.

Two years ago things would have been different, Jessi and Rian would still be friends, still joined at the hip, two years ago and everything was perfect.
♠ ♠ ♠
First All Time Low story.

Should I continue?