Status: Finished

It's All We Know

Good Life

Jessi’s POV

“Have you ever been to Warped before?” Rian asked me.

“You know I haven’t,” I replied. Jack had caught up to us and was walking on the other side of me, it was cool walking with them, less people bumped in to me.

We walked in silence for a minute then Rian stopped and started waving and jumping up and down like a mad man. A few seconds later he was hugging someone who I recognised but couldn’t place. Shit, I know him, who is he? Who is he? I moved a bit to get a better look at him, but I still couldn’t remember who he was.

“Pat Kirch,” Jack whispered in my ear. I turned my head and gave him a grateful smile.

“Pat Kirch meet Jessizzle,” Rian said pulling me forward a bit.

Pat smiled and looked me up in down.

“It’s Jessi, nice to meet ya,” I said smiling.

“Nice to meet you too, Rian you got yourself a pretty girl here,” he replied grinning at Rian.

We all heard someone call Pat’s name and with a wave he ran back off in the direction he appeared from.

“Rian you could have corrected him,” I said hitting his arm.

“What?” Rian asked innocently.

I rolled my eyes and glanced around me, I still couldn’t believe I was here.

“Rian we better go, we have checks to do,” Jack piped up.

“Oh shit yeah I forgot, and didn’t Matt say something about an acoustic set?” Rian asked.

After that I totally lost track of the conversation, instead I glanced around me in amazement, now I had been to my fair share of gigs, but this, just the atmosphere. It was fucking perfect, excitement hung heavy in the air and I could feel myself getting jittery just standing here. I still couldn’t believe just how involved in this I actually was.

“Hey Jazz?” Rian waved a hand in front of my face and laughed.

“Sorry was in my own world,” I replied smiling at them both.

“Come, we have to go, get you set up.” Jack grinned and linked his arm through mine.

About half an hour later the guys were saying goodbye and leaving me with Matt who was great but not much of a conversationalist. Of course people came and bought merch, and kinda asked me about the band and if All Time Low would be back to play anything, half the time I just said I didn’t know, because truthfully I didn’t know. But all and all, my afternoon was turning out to be pretty good.

A little while later I heard someone call my name, I looked around and didn’t see anyone. So I shrugged it off. Two minutes later Jack appeared in front of me grinning like an idiot carrying two water bottles.

“Wana take a walk with me?” he asked.

I looked at Matt; he looked up and smiled while nodding his head.

“Is he my boss too?” I asked Jack quietly as we walked away.

“Who? Is he here?” Jack asked clearly confused.

“No it doesn’t matter,” I said with a laugh.

“So how are you liking Warped so far?” Jack asked me.

“It is plain awesome!” I said happily.

Jack handed me a bottle of water and smiled, we walked in silence in the direction of the buses, a thought suddenly occurred to me, Jack would have just been on stage and I hadn’t even asked him how it went. When I looked up at him I caught him staring, he continued to look at me for a second then studied his water bottle carefully.

“So how was the set?” I asked, was that even the right thing to say?

“It was great, amazing crowds here, the fans are awesome!” he said excitedly.

“That’s cool, I’ll have to come see you guys play,” I said.

“Oh yeah next time I’ll get you on the stage!”

I stopped and looked at him wide eyed. “No. Maybe at the side, but not onstage!”

Jack laughed and shook his head. “Don’t look too freaked Jess,” he spluttered in between his laughter.

We continued to walk, Jack was humming to himself, which was strange, I wonder was he bored, and I swear it was the spongebob theme he was humming.

“So I was just wondering, do you fancy doing something sometime?” Jack said randomly.

I looked up at him as we walked. “Sure what you fancy doing?”

Jack looked at me in shock. “I duno, didn’t think that far ahead.”

I laughed at him and he looked a little flushed and embarrassed.

“Well I didn’t actually think you’d agree to go on a date with me,” he said defensively.

“Oh! A date?”

“Uhm yeah?”

“Ok, well why don’t we do something now?” I suggested.

“We could get food and go sit somewhere quiet?” he offered.

“Sounds good,” I smiled and nodded.

As we walked back to find something to eat a thought occurred to me, Rian. Should I respect his wishes, I looked up at Jack and he smiled at me.
What’s one date?
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you to all my readers and new subscribers.
And thanks to:
Paraphrase the Riot!
for your comments on the last chapter. :)

So there might be the occasional name drop or brief appearence of other bands in this story, but nothing more. It will only be about All Time Low.