Status: Finished

It's All We Know


Jessi’s POV

Jack and I had unwritten rules. Rules that we abide by. The main rule being we wouldn’t act all lovey dovey in front of the guys and especially in front of Rian. For obvious reasons. So far it has been working out pretty well, we have been through five shows, I think and we are now on our way to Vancouver. It’s strange though, because Rian is still acting all weird, like he is nice enough and still talks to me, but it’s just not the same, like the heart of our friendship is gone. And I miss it.

“Jess…” I snapped out of my thoughts at the sound of Rians voice and the sound of my phone ringing.

“It’s Faith,” he said pressing the unanswered phone into my hand.

I stood up and walked down to the back lounge and answered the call.

“Jessickles!” she yelled before I could even say hello.

“Faith, hey,” I replied lamely.

“So what’s up, where are you right now?” she asked me excitedly.

“Um on the bus,” I said glancing around me before sitting down on the couch.

“No, well I actually meant where are you?” She asked again.

“Oh, I duno on our way to Vancouver I think, I’m not sure. Where are you?” I asked.

“Just in the house, so what’s with the lack of emails, and such, I miss you? You sound glum though what’s up?”

I rolled my eyes and sighed.

“Don’t you roll your eyes at me!”

I laughed. “How did you know?”

“Just tell me what’s wrong?”

“Well, to cut a long story short, Jack and I kissed a few times, Rian told me he loves me, Jack asked me out…”

“Wait wait! In that order?” Faith interrupted me.

“Yeah actually,” I mumbled.

“Rian loves you… I guess I saw that coming really, but still… Rian loves you! What did you say? Do you love him?”

“No, and that’s the problem, because now our friendship is totally fucked, and to top it off, I really like Jack and we are actually dating now or whatever, but we can’t really act like a couple because I don’t want things to get even weirder with Rian.” I said sadly.

“You are dating Jack Barakat!” She yelled down the phone.

“Yes,” I couldn’t help but smile. The phone was silent for a while, I was about to say something when Faith started talking again.

“You know there’s nothing you can do really about the Rian thing, but if I were in your shoes I would just be straight with him, tell Rian how you feel about everything, the sooner he gets used to the idea the better.”

“Yeah, but I miss him, as my friend, but at the same time I want to be with Jack…” I sighed again, “maybe I should talk to Rian about it all?”

“Yeah you should, although it’ll be hard, you have probably broken his little heart.” She said.

“Thanks for that,” I paused when I heard a knock on the door and Jack stuck his head in. “Faith, can I call you back?”

“Yeah sure, but you better! Or at least email!” She warned.

“I will. I promise, you should fly out and meet me soon, before the tour ends?” I suggested, while motioning for Jack to come into the room.

“I will, anyway good luck, love you!” She said.

“Bye, love ya too!” I grinned to the phone then ended the call.

“Who was that?” Jack asked me. He sat down next to me and put an arm around me.

“Just Faith, I miss her, I miss not having her here to talk,” I replied snuggling against his warm body.

“You can talk to me?” Jack offered.

“Not girl talk?” I asked with a laugh.

“Well…” Jack laughed then moved his arm so he could lean down and kiss me. I savoured it, his touch sent shivers throughout my body.

When he pulled away I lay down and rested my head on his lap, looking up at him.

“What’s on your mind?” he asked.

“Nothing…” I replied slowly.


“Rian… I want to talk to him, things are still weird with us, but I don’t know what to say.” I explained.

“Tell me about it, I love the dude but he refuses to be alone in a room with me anymore, it’s annoying.” Jack huffed.

I sat up and frowned at Jack. “Really?”

He nodded and tried to get me to lie down again but I shrugged away and stood up.

“I don’t want you guys to fight!” I said a little too loudly.

“Jess calm down, we aren’t fighting, I just don’t think he is used to the idea of us being together yet.” Jack said standing up and wrapping his arms around me.

“Faith thinks we should just be straight with him, the sooner her gets used to it the better…” I said thoughtfully.

“Well in that case, come on.” Jack kissed my forehead then took my hand, linking our fingers as we made our way back down the bus. Both Rian and Alex looked up at us, while Alex merely smiled a little then went back to fiddling with his phone, Rian couldn’t take his eyes off us. His eyes travelled down to our clasped hands then he looked away, but the look on his face was awful.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to:
Paraphrase the Riot!

Kudos to Jessi for helping me through some writers block. And for being an awesome friend.
