Status: Finished

It's All We Know

Broken Down In Bars And Bathrooms

Jessi’s POV

“I think I made a mistake coming out with you guys,” I said loudly above the music.

“Cooooome on Jess!” Zack yelled at me and patted my back.

We were currently lined up at the bar with two rows of shots in front of us. I had Zack on one side of me and Jack on the other.

“When I hit the bar you go!” Alex shouted. The barman stepped back and watched us, a bemused look plastered across his face.

Bang! We all tilted our heads back and drank the strong liquid.

They all cheered and Jack wrapped his arms around me and swayed us slightly.

“One more time!” Alex shouted.

And again we drank the shots. I had promised myself not to drink too much tonight, one of us had to be at least a little sober right?

“Lets dance!” Jack yelled in my ear and pulled me along with him, I felt someone grab my other hand and turned to see Alex following us. When we reached the dance floor I realised they had all followed us.

I couldn’t tell you what song was on, my head was spinning a little and I was too busy laughing at Jack and Alex dancing together, I swear it looked choreographed.

“Let me buy you a drink?” Rian said in my ear, he took my hand and led me back towards the bar.

“I don’t want anything,” I said loudly shaking my head.

“Not even a cocktail?” he asked pointing to some pictures of drinks they had on the wall behind the bar. I glanced at them, they did look good.

“Ok,” I nodded my head, Rian ordered and a few moments later I was presented with a pink cocktail with all the works, an umbrella, a slice of orange and a weird green mixer.

“Is it nice?” Rian was holding something similar but was making a weird face at it.

“Very nice Rian,” I laughed nodding at the drink.

“I think it suits me,” he laughed and posed with the drink.

We then decided to go and find Alex, Jack and Zack again. I spotted Alex talking to a few girls at a table, but no Jack or Zack.

“Check the mens room?” I asked Rian.

“You check it!” he said.

“Just go!” I pushed him in the direction of the bathrooms, he swayed a little then disappeared. I hovered around keeping an eye out for Jack, when I felt someone tap my shoulder I turned round expecting to see him but it wasn’t.

“Can I buy you a drink?” the guy asked me.

“No,” I smiled and shook my head.

“What abou-”

“No, but thanks,” I interrupted him quickly. He glared at me then walked off, probably calling me every name under the sun.

I turned round and spotted Rian, he was looking about him like a lost puppy; he spotted me and waved.

“Well did you see him?” I asked.

“Who?” He asked me, looking confused.


“No, I was using the facilities,” he said with a laugh.

I laughed and rolled my eyes. Giving up on my search for Jack, Rian and I went to find a table but some how ended back on the dance floor so we danced for a bit before going back to the bar for another drink.

“What shall we have Jazz?” Rian asked me. I shrugged, I wasn’t a huge drinker but I was willing to try anything once. Rian ordered two shots but before I could even think about lifting mine he had drank them both. I laughed and paid the barman who was waiting for the money.

“Are you alright?” I asked Rian, he was gripping the edge of the bar and his face was pale.

He said something but I didn’t hear him. “Air!” He yelled, I nodded then led us towards the exit; there were a handful of people dancing around the open doors. It wasn’t exactly cool outside but it was less crowded.

“You look really pale,” I felt Rian’s forehead and he leant back against the wall.

“I’m cool,” he smiled and shrugged.

“Oh my god!” Someone shrieked loudly, Rians head shot up. “Are you Rian Dawson?!”

He threw me a look then nodded his head at two girls now standing in front of us.

“Wow! Can I get a picture?”

“Sure,” Rian smiled and pushed himself away from the wall. The girl swung her arms around his neck and posed while her friend took the picture.

“Is this your girlfriend? You guys are so cute together!” she exclaimed after letting go of Rian. She smiled a huge toothy grin at me then wriggled her fingers at us before disappearing back into the club.

“That’s funny,” Rian chuckled.

“What?” I asked.

“She thought we were going out, when really your boyfriend is probably in there cheating on you right now,” he said, still chuckling to himself.

“Why would you say that?” I asked. I wasn’t angry; he was drunk he didn’t know what he was saying.

“Because Jess, that’s what he is like,” Rian said. He stepped closer to me and brought a hand up to caress my cheek.


I moved Rians hand away and shook my head. “Don’t do this Rian.”

“What?” He whispered stepping closer to me.

I took a step back but before I could put any real distance between us his lips were on mine. And for a few moments I let them stay there, until I felt his hands on my waist it was then that I pushed him back and shook my head vigorously.

“No, no, no, no, no!” I muttered. His eyes widened, I turned away from him and walked quickly back into the club. But not before I heard him cry out my name.

I made my way towards the bar, my eyes frantically searched for a familiar face, I thought I heard someone call my name, and when I turned round I saw Rian heading towards me. He looked like he had sobered up pretty quickly. I walked away from him and headed to the only place I knew he couldn’t follow me. The girls bathroom.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks very much to:
Paraphrase the Riot!
You all make me laugh. :)

I hope this surprised you a little haha.