Status: Finished

It's All We Know


Jessi’s POV

“What did Rian say to you?” I asked Jack softly.

“Nothing important really,” he said.

“But you hit him Jack!” I shouted.

“Can we go somewhere else and talk about this?” he asked looking over his shoulder. A few guys who I didn’t recognised from The Maine were heading towards us.

“Lets walk?” he asked taking my hand.

We walked in silence for a while I wasn’t sure where we were going, and I was bothered by the silence between us.

“You should get some ice for your lip,” I said.

“I will.” He nodded thoughtfully.

“Jack just tell me what he said!” I said stopping and looking him straight in the eye.

“Okay, so I jumped off something on stage but kinda landed oddly, it was funny so afterwards we were all laughing about it, then I heard Rian mutter under his breath ‘How could she like you?’ he said it just loud enough for me to hear, then when I snapped back at him he pretended he didn’t say anything at all.”

“Rian is a jerk,” I mumbled.

“You don’t seem surprised? I guess it was really just all my anger before that built up and that’s why I hit him,” he said.

“I am surprised he would say something like that, he’s supposed to be your friend, I should talk to him,” I decided.

“No! I think we should ignore him.”

“Ignore him? That’s not gonna solve anything,” I said shaking my head.

“No, but it won’t start anything else will it?” he said.

“I guess not, but still…” I sighed and shook my head.

“You don’t think he’ll actually keep doing this do you?” I asked.

“I duno, maybe we should try and set him up with someone,” Jack joked.

“Yeah and maybe get him off our backs,” I replied.

“I’m sorry Jess,” Jack hugged me.

“I’m sorry too, but let’s get back and I’ll clean your lip for you,” I said kissing his cheek.

“It’s not that bad is it?”

“No,” I shook my head, I was being honest too, it was a little swollen still but it would be ok tomorrow, just a small scratch.

When we got back to the bus Rian and Zack were standing outside with Pat and Garrett from The Maine. They stopped talking as we approached them.

“Whoa Jack, what happened?” Pat exclaimed, but from the way he was smirking I guessed Rian already told him.

“Nothing,” Jack shrugged his shoulders.

“Ahh that’s not how Rian tells it,” Pat said with a laugh.

“Yeah Jacky, tell ‘em what really happened,” Rian said.

“Guys, come on,” Zack stepped forward but Jack pushed him back.

“Do you have something to say Rian?”

Rian looked at me then smiled sweetly and shook his head.

“What is your problem?” Jack asked him quietly.

Pat and Garrett both looked from Rian to Jack then back again; Zack placed a hand on my arm and moved me back a bit. But I stepped forward again, there was no way I was going to let them argue or fight again.

“Nothing Jack, I think it’s you that has the problem,” Rian replied calmly.

“Yeah, you’re right, but you’re not worth it,” Jack said, he smiled at Rian then turned to me and pecked my lips. Then he turned back to Rian and smirked proudly before heading onto the bus.
♠ ♠ ♠
Paraphrase the Riot!
