Status: Finished

It's All We Know

Just So You Know

Jack’s POV

Jessi squealed, yes squealed along with Faith as they hugged each other and Rian was grinning from ear to ear watching them both. I stood a few steps behind them, still kinda bummed that we were so rudely interrupted but still curious about meeting Faith.

“Ah! Faith, I can’t believe you are here!” Jessi said excitedly, she pulled her into our room; Rian followed and closed the door behind him.

“I know! I missed you Jess!” Faith said happily.

“I missed you too! So much… but um how did you know we were here?” Jessi asked. Well that was a stupid question; obviously Rian had been involved somehow.

“Actually, it’s all down to Rian,” Faith said, Jessi turned to Rian and gave him a puzzled look.

“Yeah, he arranged it all, even paid for my flight out here,” Faith said, she glanced at me for a second still smiling.

“Rian! You are so awesome I love you!” Jessi exclaimed then threw her arms around him and gave him a rather tight hug. Rians eyes met mine for a second, he gave me a weird look. I felt an unwanted pang of jealousy as Jessi pulled away and grinned at him.

“Yeah, I wanted to apologise,” Rian paused and looked at me, “to you both for the messed up way I’ve been treating you, and I wanted to do something nice for you Jess, and I know you were missing Faith, so here she is.”

Jessi gave him another hug again, and kissed his cheek.

“This is great, we have so much to catch up on!” Jessi said turning to Faith.

“But first,” Jessi walked to me, “Faith this is Jack, Jack this is Faith.”

“Hey Jack!” Faith grinned at me.

“Great to finally meet you,” I said returning the smile.

“Ah this is so awesome!” Jessi said excitedly, she was practically bouncing on the spot beside me. We all laughed and I leant in to kiss her forehead.

“Will we leave you guys for a proper catch up?” I offered.

Jessi looked at Faith, who shrugged her shoulders, she was still smiling.

“Maybe we should, means you can talk about me!” I said.

“What makes you think we will?” Jessi asked.

“Cos I am a wonderfully fabulous boyfriend and person, and I know as soon as we leave you will,” I said laughing a little.

“Nah, there’s not much to say about you really…” Jessi said slowly.

“Are you kidding? I want to hear everything!” Faith said quickly obviously not picking up on the joke. Jessi, Rian and I all laughed and she gave us a confused look.

“Don’t worry Faith, I’m sure Jess will tell all,” Rian said, although he didn’t look too happy about it.

“Okay, you guys go explore, we’ll meet you for dinner?” Jessi offered.

“Okay,” I smiled and nodded my head.

Jessi walked us to the door, I stopped and gave her a kiss, keeping her close to me for longer than usual. She grinned at me when we parted and waved as Rian and I walked down the hallway. When I glanced back she was still watching, looking a little bit worried.

“Well I think you are completely forgiven now,” I said to Rian as we waited for the elevator.

“By Jessi yeah… but you?” he said nervously.

I thought about it as we waited for the elevator, I suppose I should forgive him, I hated being angry at him, but he pisses me off so much, and it still bothered me that he loved Jessi and kissed her, drunk or not he still did it. I duno if I’d ever be able to shake that from my mind.

“Cos, you know, I am sorry,” Rian said.

“I duno Rian, we are cool I suppose, but…” I sighed, I didn’t really know what to say I was never good with words, I felt the sudden urge to crack a joke. The elevator reached our floor and we stepped inside.

“I know I was a bad friend, a really bad friend, but I duno, I was all messed up and confused, just I want you to know I am sorry.” He said slowly.

“Yeah… I know,” I mumbled.

We didn’t say anything else, thankfully, because I really didn’t know what to think. I need to talk to Alex… or Jessi maybe. But now Jessi and Rian are friends again, should I be worried, because that’s exactly how he wormed his way in before.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you

And thanks to all my readers and subscribers :]
