Status: Finished

It's All We Know

A Moment?

Jessi’s POV

When I woke up the next morning Jack was already up, he was sitting at the bottom of the other bed in the room just staring blankly in front of him. When I sat up he turned round and gave me a small smile.

“Alex and I are going for breakfast,” he stood up, he pecked my lips then headed for the door.

“Bye,” I called, but got no reply.

A few seconds later the door opened again, Rian and Faith came in grinning like idiots.

“Morning!” Faith chirped.

“Yeah,” I fell back on the bed and sighed.

“Aw Jessickles, what’s up?” Faith asked.

“Nothing, so where are we heading today?” I asked sitting up again.

“I was thinking we stack it up with some pancakes, or waffles, or maybe…”

“We are gonna go get some breakfast then I want to check out the mall!” Faith said interrupting Rian.

“Sounds good, I’ll go shower,” I said getting up, I grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom. I could faintly hear Rian and Faith talking as I showered. A few times I heard them laughing, they must be watching TV. I didn’t bother much with my hair and pulled it into a pony tail to keep it out of the way. When I emerged from the bathroom Faith and Rian both stood up.

“Finally, lets go, I’m hungry!” Rian exclaimed, he turned me round and pushed me towards the door.

“Don’t man handle me Rian!” I objected earning a few laughs from Faith. Just as I reached the door it opened so I stepped back closer to Rian, Alex and Jack stood outside. Alex smiled, but Jack didn’t look too happy.

“Morning,” Alex said.

“We were just going,” Rian said.

“You want to join us for breakfast?” I asked them.

“We just ate, where you guys going?” Jack asked.

“To get pancakes, then to the mall,” I replied.

“Okay, have fun,” he said. I was going to step forward and give him a kiss but he headed into our room. I heard Faith mutter something to Rian and they both pulled me away.

“Uh, bye!” Alex called after us.

“Bye guys!” I called back, I turned to wave but they had disappeared into the room.

“Are you and Jack arguing?” Faith asked me.

“What? No!” I said shaking my head.

“Are you sure, because he looked all angry,” she said.

“We kinda had a stupid argument last night, but we made up,” I said quickly.

“Are you sure?” Faith asked.

“Yeah I’m very sure,” I replied.

“Then why is he all grumpy?” Rian asked.

“Okay what’s with all the questions guys, I thought we were going to have some fun today?” I said changing the subject.

They both gave me looks of concern but quickly nodded their heads and led me towards the elevator. I was a little worried now, I wonder if Jack is angry with me?

It didn’t take us long to get to the pancake house, thankfully I was pretty hungry myself now.

“Do you remember when we tried to make chocolate chip pancakes?” I asked Faith when I’d finished eating. She looked up from her coffee and grinned.

“We ruined your moms ceiling flipping them in the air!” she laughed.

“Can you guys flip them?” Rian asked as he finished up his plate.

“No! Hence the ruined ceiling,” I said.

“Pancakes are easy to flip,” he said casually.

“When we get home you can teach us then?” I asked.

“Yes, and I will!” He said.

“I don’t want to get up really early tomorrow for a stupid flight home,” Faith mumbled.

“I wish you could stay,” I replied.

“So do I, I love having you here,” Rian said. He smiled across the table at her and she smiled back. I sat back in my chair and glanced from one to the other. It took them a few moments but they finally broke eye contact and Rian stood up.

“I’ll get the bill yeah?” he asked, but before we could reply he had wandered off to pay.

“What was that?” I asked Faith.

“What?” she asked.

“You and Rian, is there something…?”

She laughed and stood up. “You are crazy Jess, he’s just a friend.”

I smiled and nodded my head. But I didn’t believe her, and I was a little bothered that she denied it after I so clearly witnessed a ‘moment’ between them both.
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Erm question... are y'all losing interest?

More in the morning, maybe.