Status: Finished

It's All We Know

You're Always In My Heart

Jessi’s POV

Jack didn’t call, not even on their last day at Warped. Rian had stopped calling too, not that I had trusted myself to speak to him, Faith had passed on all my messages. I was afraid if I spoke to him I’d start asking questions about Jack, and I would get answers I didn’t want to hear. I guess I was scared incase I found out he had moved on.

Part of me already believed he had, but I couldn’t let go of him, I couldn’t stop thinking about him. I couldn’t stop missing him.

“Jessi, this came for you,” Faith announced as she came into my room.

“Don’t you ever knock?” I asked.

“No,” she smiled widely and handed me a letter.

I sat up on my bed and looked at it; my address was printed in handwriting I didn’t recognise.

“Aren’t you gonna open it?” Faith asked.

“Why are you still in here, go away,” I snapped.

Faith looked a little hurt then she sat down on my bed and rolled her eyes. I had moved on from what Faith liked to call the ‘moping stage’ to being pretty much aggravating all the time. I don’t know why she puts up with me sometimes.

“I’m starting to get sick of your bitchiness Jessi, but I know you love me really,” she said brightly.

I scowled at her then turned my attention back to the letter. I slowly tore the seal back and slid the contents out. There was a small card with a few words written on it and a photograph. The photo was of Jack and I, neither of us were looking at the camera, which probably explained why I didn’t remember having my picture taken. We were looking at each other, I had been laughing and Jack was smiling at me. I tried to think about what I was laughing at, but I couldn’t even picture the moment in my mind, we had spent too many moments on that couch laughing.

“Lets see?” Faith took the picture off me and studied it.

I turned to the card and read.

Please don’t give up on me.

That was it? I turned the card over, but there was nothing else written.

“Well have you?” Faith asked me.

“Have I what?” I asked.

“Given up on him?” she asked nodding at the card.

I shook my head lightly.

“I knew it! You love him don’t you?” she exclaimed loudly surprising me a bit with her sudden outburst.


I looked down at the card then at the picture Faith had placed back on the bed. The thing that annoyed me the most was that I did love him; I had never felt like this about anyone.

“Don’t look so scared Jessi,” Faith said with a laugh.

“I am so confused!” I said without thinking.

“Why?” Faith asked.

“He hurt me, really hurt me… and I miss him so fucking much, but I hate him, I HATE him, but I can’t stop thinking about him…”

“You love him,” Faith said simply.

“I hate him,” I replied.

Faith chuckled to herself. “You can’t forgive him?”

“I don’t know,” I replied.

“Just hear him out,” she said encouragingly.

“What do you mean, this is the first I have heard from him, and it’s not even an apology!” I said angrily.

“But it has given you hope, because now you know he hasn’t given up, so he is obviously sorry,” Faith replied.

“Well until he says sorry, he is…” I hesitated, I wanted to say nothing to me but that really wasn’t true. Faith looked at me expectantly, but I was saved by the bell, quite literally.

“Are you expecting anyone?” Faith asked me as she stood up and walked to my window. A few moments later I heard her gasp.

“Jessi, you will not believe this!”