Status: Finished

It's All We Know

Let The Games Begin

Jessi’s POV

When I woke up in the morning Rian was still with me, he was fast asleep and still had his arms wrapped around me protectively. Everytime I looked at him I felt a pang of guilt, I shouldn’t have hated him so much, and I regret it now. I got up quietly and headed downstairs, I ignored the fact I was still in my clothes from yesterday and made a metal note to shower later, I bumped into my mom as she was going out the front door.

“Someone called here for Rian a few minutes ago, said his phone was off,” she said quickly.

“Ok I’ll let him know, thanks mom.”

“I’m working late tonight, so I’ll see you two later,” she smiled the headed out banging the door behind her. I flinched knowing it would probably wake Rian up.

I went into the kitchen and put some toast in for us both, it was fact I could not cook, I burnt everything except cakes, I make good cakes. I made us some coffee too, then when the toast popped buttered it and put it on a plate.

“Oh the Jess special burnt toast and yummy coffee,” Rian said sleepily as he came into the kitchen.

I turned and smiled at him. “Only the best for us.”

We ate in silence then the phone rang, I jumped up and answered it.


”Hello is Rian there please?” a weird voice asked me, I stifled a laugh and handed the phone to Rian.

He took it off me and went into the living room, I heard him laugh then say something about some guy called Jack. When he came back in he was still laughing.

“That was Jack and the guys apparently they are on there way now, they are staying in a hotel round the corner from here, isn’t that great!” He said happily.

“Yeah! So when will they be here?” I asked.

“Uh, ‘bout half an hour,” he said glancing at his watch.

“Shit! I have to get ready!” I jumped up and headed out of the kitchen.

“Don’t use all the hot water!” Rian called after me.

I had a quick shower then ran to my room to get dressed, I pulled on a purple hoodie and my blue skinnys, then started on my hair. I just straightened my fringe and left the back purposely messy. Satisfied with my appearance I made my way downstairs. Rian was lounging on the couch flicking through music channels, he got up when I came in and rushed out of the room.

I smiled to myself, it was cool how at home he felt again, it was like he’d never been away.

I had just sat down when the doorbell rang, my stomach lurched, I glanced out the window and saw a few guys at my door, one of them saw me peeking and waved. I sighed and went to answer the door.

“HI!” one guy who I thought was Alex said straight away.

“Hey…” I gawped, yes gawped at them, because they were all so fuckin’ hot.

“You must be Jessi? We are Rians friends, he said he’d be here,” the guy spoke looking in to my house over his shoulder.

I smiled and let the door swing open. “Come in, he’s in the shower.”

They came in one at a time and went into my living room. The last guy who waved at me gave me a wink as he went in and I couldn’t stop the blush forming across my cheeks.

“I’m Alex, nice to finally meet you Jess,” the guy I guessed to be Alex said, “that there is Zack, and the ugly one is Jack.”

Jack looked up and glared at Alex, who laughed.

“I am not ugly! Am I ugly?” Jack asked me looking a little hurt.

“Uh, no.” I mumbled laughing a little.

He turned and grinned triumphantly at Alex, then slouched down in his seat.

“Can I get you guys anything?” I offered.

“Nope, come, sit, tell us something,” Alex said patting the space beside him on the couch.

I sat down and smiled at them all, they watched me expectantly.

“What do you want me to say?” I said eventually.

“Well first, have you and Rian made up yet?” Zack asked, speaking for the first time.

“Yeah,” I said looking down at the floor.

“He was nervous as hell about coming home,” Alex said.

“Yeah, but he missed you,” Jack added quickly.

I smiled.

“Don’t you talk much?” Jack asked leaning forward towards me.

“You have to be kidding right?” Rian laughed coming into the room.

“What’s up dude!” Jack held his hand out and Rian slapped it.

“Are they being nice?” Rian asked me, squeezing in beside me on the couch.

“Yeah,” I said with a shrug.

“We wana know about Jess. Rian tell us cos she won’t talk,” Jack half whined.

“You didn’t ask anything!” I said loudly.

“We said talk…” Jack said back just as loudly.

“About what?” I asked scrunching my face up in frustration.

“Cupcakes and birthdays? I duno!” Jack said with a laugh.

“You’re weird, I like weird,” I said giggling at him.

“Why thank you,” Jack stood up and bowed over dramatically.

“So seriously, what do you guys do for fun around here?” Zack asked.

“Well…” I started then jumped up from my seat when I noticed the time, “I was supposed to start work half an hour ago! Shit!”

I started to leave the room but all four of the guys jumped up and started objecting, I froze and turned round to look at them.

“You can’t go, phone in sick, just don’t turn up!” Rian said.

“I can’t I need to save the money,” I said.

“No you don’t come one it’s not every day you get to hang out with us,” Alex said smugly.

“That’s true…”

“There you go, settled!” Rian said happily.

“I have to go call them first,” I said then left the room.


When I returned from making my phone call, I found Jack and Rian on the floor, in what I assumed was a fight for the remote control. Alex was laughing and Zack occasionally leaned forward and kicked one or the other. I stood watching them for a minute, I kinda forgot how immature boys can be sometimes.

“Jessi! Tell Jack to give me the freakin’ remote!” Rian yelped from underneath Jack.

“I could totally see a pile on starting here,” I half joked. Jacks head shot up at me and he grinned then before I could say or do anything Zack and Alex were throwing themselves on top of Jack and Rian, who yelled and swore loudly.

I spotted the remote lying beside the couch and walking towards it, I picked it up and flicked the channels until I found an episode of Family Guy, then I flopped down on the couch.

All four of the boys turned to look at me, only Zack and Alex were smiling because Jack and Rian were no doubt in pain.

“Jazz!” Rian croaked.

“Ok guys come on get off him?” I pleaded leaning forward slightly in my seat, trying to sound assertive but I was a little concerned for Rian.

A laughing Alex and Zack jumped up and dusted themselves off, Jack stood up slowly and staggered to a chair and collapsed in it. While Rian remained on the floor, slowly stretching out his limbs and groaning in pain.

Knowing that he was alright, I could help but laugh. Rian sat up and shot me a glare.

“It’s not funny!” he protested standing up and trying to rub his back.

“Yeah it is,” I said laughing even more.

“How would you like it is we all piled on you?” he asked a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

I jumped up and shook my head.

“Oh yes,” Rian laughed, he started towards me. I laughed then turned quickly and ran out of the room. I heard thumps and bangs as they ran after me, I got to my room before them and slammed the door and leant against it just waiting for them to try and get in.
♠ ♠ ♠
The title is a song by Anarbor.

Comments are welcome?