Life on the *** Scene

The Last Chapter


Gerard sat in his room, his head in his hands. Black lights were on overhead. He had had to get rid of all his other types of lights. The fact was…he had found another way to be absolutely miserable.
Mikey was upstairs, in the bright light of day. He heard a knock on his door.
“Come in…?” Who would be here? Frank walked in.
“Hey Gerard…” He said awkwardly, “I’m sorry about what happened once we left. We should have stayed.”
Gerard could tell that Frankie felt entirely guilty.
“No. It’s not your fault. I’m the one that started all this and I got what I deserved.” Gerard said. It was not all Frankie’s fault that he was now a vampire.

That was the devil’s way of making sure he didn’t come back too soon. But like Gerard’s favorite lyric, how wrong HE was to think that Immortality meant never dieing.
“Gerard, just promise me one thing.” Frankie said, looking at him seriously.
“Hmm?” Gerard knew this was going to hold some major importance.
“Promise me you won’t kill yourself to prove Satan wrong.”
Gerard stared at Frankie. Somehow he can see into my deepest thoughts… he thought to himself.
“I promise.” He said, reluctantly dropping the idea.

Gerard smelled the midnight air longingly. He was glad to finally be out of the basement. The moon made everything around him seem to glow. But before he could take in anymore of the peacefulness, he was shattered by an even more longing thirst for blood. I suppose this is how it’s going to be, he thought sadly.
Mikey walked up behind him. “Hey Gerard, it isn’t that bad.” He said reassuringly.
“Oh?” Gerard turned around, interested in Mikey’s take on the situation.
“Yeah, you could be a werewolf or something.” Mikey smiled and they both started laughing. “Oh, and by the way, here.” Mikey handed Gerard a small square shaped package, and then walked back into the house.
Gerard pulled the tape off and ripped the brown paper. What he saw made him smile, showing his vampire teeth.
It was their first CD, I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love.