You Make Me Feel So Alive

Chapter 13: Telling Kierstyn

I pased back and forth in front of the ambulance that I was once seated on. I looked at my watch and tapped my foot. Just moments ago I had called Kierstyn asking her urgently to come down to the CD store. I was looking for where she was, but she was no where in sight yet. I had to tell her the horrible news.

“I knew it was too good to be true” I mumbled with an aggravated sigh and a stomp of my foot.

“What’s too good to be true? And what’s going on here?” Kierstyn asked walking up behind me. I turned to her and hung my head low.

“Are you ok? What happened Sam?”

“There was a fire and I was trapped inside, but-”

“What?! Are you ok?!”

“Yeah I’m fine, but that’s not why I asked you to come down here” A confused look crossed her face.

“Well I heard something I really wish I didn’t hear and ... it involves you. You need to know”

“What?” Kierstyn asked looking a bit scared.

“Craig and Max are just playing us” I stated in a lifeless voice looking in the other direction.

“Are you serious?” Kierstyn said tears starting to form in her eyes as I nodded. Next thing I knew the tears started to pore over and I hugged her for comfort. Eventually I let go and she sat down on the edge of the truck. She was still softly crying but there was really nothing I could do about it. Max was such a douche for doing this, Craig as well. We were used I felt violated.

However all of a sudden Max came into view and I glared at him. Kierstyn hadn’t noticed him and I was really hoping any moment he would turn or something because it looked like he was coming straight toward us.

“Hey Kier” Max greeted as he approached us. She looked up and cried harder. “Oh geez what happened?”

“You happened. Why don’t you just leave us alone?” I stated not looking at him but rather at my feet.

“You’re a lying son of a bitch!” Kierstyn screamed out of no where. Max stared at her in utter shock that read on his face. Apparently Craig hadn’t told him the gig was up.

“I herd you guys and your plan to play us ok? You can stop acting” I said annoyed.

“You herd that?” Max ran a hand through his hair “How much?”

“Um all of it? Where you guys were like ‘oh yeah were playing them’ I can’t believe you sickos!” I shouted next thing I knew Max was chuckling to himself and it made me even more outraged.

“What are you laughing at?!?!!” I shouted angrily.

“You didn’t hear it all if you did you wouldn’t be so upset” he stated.

“I’m not going to believe another one of your acts” I spat.

“I’m not acting I’m serious. If you’d stayed a second longer you would have known Craig didn’t want to go through with the plan. That he actually liked you and was considering dating you. You really fucked up.” he said seriously and sounding a little angry. I stood there shocked. He didn’t sound like he was kidding at all. I seriously fucked up didn’t I? It felt like I was falling off a cliff because of that one false move I made.

“Really?” I almost fell for real at my own mistake.

“Yeah. He tried to tell you but you ran off.” Max sat next to Kierstyn. He looked at her and hung his arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer. “I feel the same about Kierstyn”

She looked up at him and smiled a tiny bit even though she was still crying. She leaded her head on his shoulder and slowly her crying faded.

“I’m really sorry” he whispered to her “It really was the plan but I really like you. I want you to hang around.”

“If that’s your way of saying you’d like to be with me then I have no problem with that.” They pecked each others lips and then finally Kierstyn looked at me.

“Well what are you waiting for? Go find Craig!” she shouted with a slight laugh. It took a minute to click and I nodded my head and took off. I didn’t know where to go to, but I shuffled myself through people after people looking for him. I didn’t find him anywhere.

I plopped down on the ground after the few countless minutes of searching. I leaned back on the wall and sighed. I lightly cried at such a blow. I screwed up one of the only things that was going great at the moment.

“Hey” someone said as the sat next to me. I looked over and it was Craig “Max told me you were looking for me?”

I nodded and quickly hugged him surprising him at the sudden change of attitude.

“Max told me what really happened” he chuckled.

“He did? Hm not like him really”

“Yeah I know” he smiled at me and I smiled back at him. He leaned down and kissed me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok!! That concludes the ending of my Escape the Fate story sadly. I am so sorry if you wanted more! But do not fear I plan on writing maybe an epolouge? To see the after math? haha well don't unsubscribe yet cuz I will write one finally chapter to give you a peek into what happened to the couples afterward.
(Also I'm sorry this one is kinda short! ><)

-Jagked (Sam)
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