You Make Me Feel So Alive

Chapter 5: Stalls

A few days later, meaning Saturday of course, I sat on my bed staring into my closet. What was I going to wear? I had no damn clue. I got up and started to shift through everything. I didn’t want to wear something that would scream desperate and I didn’t want to wear something that made it seem like I didn’t care at all. So I needed something just right.

Just as I was about to flip past this very pretty short sleeve dark purple top, I stopped. I took it out and examined it to see if it would be fine to wear. Shrugging I threw it on my bed and went over to my dresser that had my jeans in it. I pulled out a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and threw them on the bed as well. Then I went over to my closet again and bent down sifting through mounds of shoes I had stuffed there. I found these cute looking flats that were black so I decided they would go nicely.

After putting it on I looked at myself in the body length mirror I had in my bathroom. I thought I looked just right and smiled. I then went out into the mud room where I had some things stored and my coat rack and found my black jacket. I sped walked into the kitchen and grabbed Chap Stick applying it to my lips quickly and then stuffing it into my coat. I checked the clock. It was 6:20.

I slightly gasped and ran for the door. I was supposed to pick up Kierstyn and then drive to the fair. I didn’t want to be late for sure. I hopped in my car and sped off to her house. I went well over the speed limit, but because her house was so close I was fine. When I got there I honked the horn a good five times before Kier came running out while trying to get her shoe and coat on at the same time.

I laughed when she got in the car and smiled. She had on a black band tee as usual, skinny jeans as well, black converse, and a three rowed studded belt. Her hair looked fresh and it looked like she had also applied something on her lips. Even though it all seemed very casual she pulled the look off very well. Max was going to be a very happy man.

“Go! Go!” Kierstyn shouted while motioning me to get a move on already “Were going to be late and I don’t want to be!”

“I know how you feel! I don’t either!” I agreed thinking about Max waiting there and leaving because of us taking too long. Just thinking about it made me step down harder on the gas petal and we were soon practically flying toward the Smith Fair. Though next thing I knew I herd a shrine and a flash of blue and red lights behind me.

“Damn it!” we both shouted in unison. I sighed and pulled over.

“Alright Kier use your charm!” I whispered with a slight chuckle as she went wide eyed to me. Just as she was about to protest a very young police officer peered into the car.

“Excuse me. Did you know what speed you were doing?” he questioned trying to act stern. We sure were lucky we had a gorgeous young police officer Kier could persuade.

“Um why no officer I didn’t” I innocently stated with a questionable look on my face.

“Well you were going 90 on a 40mph road” he informed knowingly. I glanced at Kier and she sighed.

“Well we were in a hurry because we’ve got this quick little thing we have to get done today” Kierstyn said using hand motions to look innocent “and” she looked at her watch “were going to be real late officer.”

She bated her eyes and I wanted to burst out laughing, but I knew that I couldn’t.

“Um I guess I could . . . . . let you off . . . ” he said trailing off while staring at Kier’s legs. I wanted to slap him and tell him that it was rude to do that especially since I could tell Kier saw too and wanted to slap him as well. She struggled with a smile but she was able to keep at it until the cop left and got back into his car. He then soon sped off just as Kierstyn lost her cool.

“That Asshole!!” She shouted and I stepped onto the gas petal. I drove close to the speed limit this time and not so fast, but it didn’t matter since the fair was on coming fast. My heart was racing with excitement and curiosity and I just couldn’t wait.

I pulled into the parking lot and drove around looking for a spot. I glanced at the clock. It was exactly seven and I gasped. I poked at the clock getting Kier’s attention and she whined for me to hurry up. I stepped harder and screeched into a spot just as someone was trying to pull in. The person yelled “HEY YOU BITCH THAT WAS MY PARKING SPOT!!”

I ignored the guy giving me his middle finger and waited to get out until the guy had passed. We both quickly got out and slammed the door behind us. I pressed the lock button and rushed off after Kier who was practically running for the Fair entrance. When we got there, there was a line to get in. The admission was only two bucks per person.

“This is killing me” I whined while tapping my foot on the ground and Kier agreed while seeming to bounce. When we finally made it to the front of the excruciating long line it was about 7:03 and it made us that more anticipated when we were paying for our tickets.

After paying for them we looked around for the popcorn stand quickly. When we located it I smiled brightly like a fool. So I tried to force it down so I wouldn’t feel like a dumb idiot. When we got close by we searched all around the stand and there was no Max to be found. I was sure my date was most likely here, but by the way Kier was looking around also I could tell my date wasn’t here as well.

I sighed and did a three sixty looking for any signs of Max, but there was none.

“I can’t find your date Kier I’m sorry” I glumly stated.

“I don’t see yours either” Kierstyn sighed running a hand through her hair. I was a bit aggravated and upset at the same time. Max had stood Kier up and apparently my date was a bitch for standing me up too.

Next thing I knew I jumped from a hand on my shoulder. I spun around and gasped at who it was. I was at a loss for words. I glanced over at Kier who seemed just as speechless as I was as she looked face to face with Max. I looked back and my date and gave him a sweet smile.

“Craig Mabbitt” he said sticking his hand out generously.

“Samantha Mira” I greeted accepting the hand shake.

“So you’re the cute girl I’ve been dying to meet” he stated.

“I guess so” I shy said blushing.

I stared at the man I thought I would never see him again after Warped Tour. Here he was though. Max Green. Live in person. My date. That means over the phone when I was talking to Craig that was Max talking about me. I smiled shying and he gave me a smile as well.

He then held out his hands wanting to know I he could give me a hug and I gratefully accepted.
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Im sorry this took so long to come out but Im starting to get the feeling that people might not like this story. I notced that people read the first one have haven't really continued. Though it could just be me....