You Make Me Feel So Alive

Chapter 8 part 1: Gravatron

As we waited in line I couldn’t help but steal glances at Max beside me. This was all just so unbelievable never in a million years would I be standing next to Max Green going on my favorite ride and on a Date with him. When we were third in line, unfortunately the ride was full and we had to wait again, Max turned to me.

“Hey you know that offer still stands” Max informed with a smirk.

“You mean the one about holding my hand?” I laughed with a shy smile. He nodded, laughed, and we chatted a bit more. Next thing I knew we were walking inside the humongous spinning disc. Max grabbed my hand and pulled me to one side where we took our spot next to each other.

“I hope you don’t fall on me other wise you’re not getting back up” I teased with a laugh.

“We’ll just have to see now won’t we” he said with a smile and next thing we knew the ride started. However before it got to the point where we could no longer move he grabbed my hand. I wanted to look down at it, but I couldn’t the ride got faster and spun around and around. His hand was pressed against mine hard and it felt great. My mind was completely gone all I could think about was Max’s hand pressed hard against mine and how amazing my life was right now.

When the ride was over my head and vision stopped spinning finally. I looked over at Max and saw he was smiling at me. Then I started to wonder if he really liked me. Like really, really liked me or if maybe I was just another girl to check off from a state. I didn’t think so he seemed genuinely happy and glad he was here with me. Then again that could have just been my imagination getting the better of me.
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Hey Lion King had a 1/2 why can't I?

-Sam (I ♥ Comments!)