The Revenge

Chapter One

Billie, Mike, and Tré slowly began working on their new album. Billie Joe had written several lyrics while on the American Idiot tour. After the tour he wrote more and more until one day he came into their studio outside Oakland to find his band mates staring wide eyed at the huge stack of lyrics.

"Holy crap Beej! You've written a novel!" said Tré, who was thoroughly amused while Mike grabbed the stack. He began reading them one by one, handing Tré the ones he had finished. When they had finished, Billie was napping on a nearby couch.

Tré stared at one of the Lyrics, pondering what he could do. Then he got up and started testing out different rhythms on his trusty new Leedy drums.

Suddenly, Tré got out from behind his drum set and started singing Dominated Love Slave while dancing obnoxiously around the room. “It’s a great song Billie! I can’t believe I made the drums for that song so fast! This is going to be great!” He ran over and hugged Billie.

“Sweet! Which one is that?” He asked groggily, since he was rudely awakened by his drummer.

“Know You Enemy!”

“Oh, that one. Sweet…” Billie rubbed his eyes while Mike was concentrating on something. Then he looked up.

“Hey! We should all hang out at my house tonight! There’s some Family Guy marathon at 10!”
Mike announced.

“Sweet! I’m driving!” cried Billie.

Tré Cool
I ended up getting the pizza. Losing at the game. I growled. I turned the corner, going to the one ramp to interstate 5 to get to Oakland. Looking behind me, some douchebag decided to tailgate me. Their windows were tinted so could see who it was. I drove faster, so did they. I got to the pizza place and got out. After I got the pizzas I walked out to see their car was there too. Four tall and strong looking men got out of the car and walked towards me. Me, the wimp that I was, ran to my car, opened the door, and shoved the pizzas inside. As I was getting into my seat, one of them grabbed me from behind. I tried to yell for help but they covered my mouth with one of their hands. I struggled but they were stronger. They threw me into the back of the car and tied up my hands and legs. One of them smirked and punched me in the face. I started whimpering as they added a blindfold and a gag. The doors in the back were still open and I tried, and failed to get out.

"Stop trying. You'll never get anywhere, might as well enjoy the ride," he said. I had a vague idea of who he was but I couldn't put my finger on it. Knowing what he said was true, I gave up. I felt the hopelessness take over my body, feeling tears run down my face.

We stopped and I started stuggling and yelling helplessly again. "Will you shut him up!" he yelled. Someone punched me in the face. I tried to yell. He hit me again, and everything went black.

I woke up in Mike's guest room gasping and sobbing. It took me a while to realize I was really in Mike's house, I forced myself to calm down. I looked over myself to find that there was no signs of what was in the dream. Eventually, I walked downstairs to find the band and their families in the kitchen. When they realized I was there they stopped talking and stared questionably at me, which made me feel awkward. Billie came up to me and hugged me. Mike came over and joined in. Then they led me over to one of the chairs.

I looked at the floor. "W-what h-h-happened?" I asked, my voice sounded odd.

"I was kinda weird...we were talking about John Lennon's death then we heard this thud. We looked over and you had fainted and hit your head on the door. When we got home you'd been sweating like hell and mumbling about something. Bill and I got you out of the car and took you inside. Since you didn't wake up we put you in the downstairs guest room. About an hour ago you were screaming bloody murder. It didn't last long but it freaked Billie out," explained Mike.

It didn't make any sense. The dream felt so real...but it wasn't. It gave me this weird feeling that I couldn't quite wrap my brain around. My stomach grumbled and I quickly changed the subject,"So where's the fuckin' pizza?" I asked, trying to look innocent. Adrienne chuckled and handed me a slice of pizza. Brittany looked over at me warmly. We ended up watching the stupid Family Guy marathon but it didn't make much of a difference. I kept thinking about the dream.

"Why did it seem so real?" I mumbled as Peter fell off the roof in a shopping cart.