The Revenge

Chapter Two

Billie Joe
One Week Later

It was a nice day for being 40F. And of course, Tré Cool had to get drunk and come here then ruin my nice afternoon. Which happens pretty often, defiantly after he fell in love with some new Vodka, he's been crashing at my place more often then I'd like. Finally, raised my hand to my head and rubbed my temple. "Tré? Why today?" I sighed heavily.

He gazed up from the couch, "What do you mean Billie?" Apparently, he wasn't drunk enough to start slurring.

"I was having a nice afternoon and about 5 minutes ago I had a great idea to take my family out for a vacation. Which of this was completely RUINED WHEN YOU CAME INTO MY HOUSE!!!" He jumped and mumbled under his breath.

"I'm sorry Billie. I really am! But I was wondering what you where doing and I thought we'd could go to the movies yeah know?" He looked at me innocently. I glared with my fists clenched, then I thought of something.

"Oh sure. I'd love to see a movie!" I grinned at the idea and his face brightened, "But not with you."

"Oh," he frowned.

"Instead you can watch the kids while Adie and I go to see that new X-Men movie."

He chuckled then rolled his eyes, "You don't even like X-Men and your going to see the new one?"

"How 'bout you shut up you worthless fuck!" I walked out of the room and got ready to see the new movie I've been wanting to see. When I was done, I went to get Adrienne. She was outside on the pouch, her hair flowing in the breeze. I sighed then smiled. "Your beautiful," I walked over and peaked her lips. She smiled.

"I love you Billie Joe," She stated then giggled.

"How 'bout you and I go to a nice movie tonight? Just you and me?" I gazed into her eyes and she grinned widened.

"That sounds wonderful."

45 minutes later: At the Movie

As we waited for the movie to start, we gazed into each others eyes, peaking each others lips, "I can't remember the last time we did this," I said.

"It was sometime before the tour, but I have no idea what the hell we saw," giggled Adrienne. We were leaning in for another kiss when my cell phone went off.

"Damn, forgot to turn off my cell. Good thing the movie hasn't stated yet eh?" I picked up my cell and looked at the caller ID. Of course, it was Tré for some stupid reason or another. I answered it, hoping it won't take long. "What now?"

"The TV isn't working!" He screamed.

"You just ruined our evening," I moaned. "Just press the power button."

"But the powers out!"

"All right "DAMN!" I picked it up. "What is it Tré?"

"The TV isn't working!" He screamed.

"You just ruined our evening," I moaned. "Just press the power button."

"But the powers out! I feel like someones here, watching me," He whimpered, sounding like he was on the verge of tears.

"It's just you and your drunken' ass," I hung up then looked at Adrienne. "Now, where were we?" I smirked and we got back to our kissing fest right as the movie started.

Tré Cool

Joey, Jakob, and I watched the 3rd Episode of Star Wars. It's not my favorite really, but it was good. But I had a slight hangover coming on so it wasn't so great. Later they went to bed and I got some pain meds. They didn't really help much which was sad...I hate hangovers. Looking over at the time, I thought about the dream. It had been a while since I last had it but it still sent chills down my spine when I thought about it. I got some blankets and a pillow from Billie's band room and slept on the couch in the family room. I fell asleep almost instantly.

Third Person

Tré slept soundly while they came into the house. He woke up with a start and tried to scream out for help. But being gagged, he didn't get very far. While he struggled they tied his hands and legs. Finally, they got fed up, steadied him, and stuck a needle in his arm. Tré fell into unconsciousness. Joey was up the stairs witnessing this event but was to scared to move. They dragged Tré's unconscious body out of the house and through him in the back of a van. After a few minutes they drove off.

Billie Joe

Adrienne and I walked out of the movie talking excitedly. I have to admit it was a great movie. Although we ended up watching a second movie, some sort of chick flick, I had a great time. Right as we got onto the Highway, my cell went off. I flipped it on without looking at the ID, "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT NOW FRANK!" Adrienne looked at me a giggled. Then mouthed 'Frank' in a questioning manner. I rolled my eyes. I call him that when he really pisses me off.

I heard whimpering at the other end of the phone and then I realized it was Jakob, "Someone took Uncle Tré...I couldn't stop them...I was too afraid. I don't know what to do daddy."

"What do you mean someone took uncle Tré?" I asked him gently.

"They broke into the house and tied him up then took him away in a van."

"Oh my god..." I was losing focus and Adrienne reminded me that we were still on the road. Taking a deep breath, I steadied myself and gave the phone to Adrienne. She talked to Jakob as I concentrated on the road. But I couldn't help wondering why they'd break into my house for him. I didn't make any since! He hasn't done anything to least recently. We drove into our drive way and we went into our house. As I looked at the couch I saw blood leading to the door. Then I blacked out.