The Revenge

Chapter Four

Third Person

Billie Joe's House
After a few minutes, Billie started to remember the events that went on before he passed out. He still had a problem believing it. Tré hadn't done anything. But as he told this to Adrienne, she reminded him that even he hasn't told Tré and Mike everything that happened to him in his day to day life. Billie paced around his bedroom thinking it over. The police had just left and they were going to start a search the following day. Of course, that irritated him. If someone wanted to do away with Tré, he might not be around another day, let alone an hour.

After a while, Billie gave up. He knew he'd never find him. They could have taken him anywhere. He took a shower and curled up in bed with the wife he loved dearly since the first time he meet her in Minnesota.

Tom's Basement

Tré woke up on the hard ground gasping for air. He was pretty sure they had damaged something internally but he wasn't sure what it was. He managed to break free of the restraints and crawled up on all fours. Then he coughed violently. When he stopped he heard the door open. He froze. The door finally closed and he sighed with relief. He looked up toward the little window on the left. His breath was labored as he panicked. There was a crowbar on the table. He got it and attempted to open the window. Of course, it was jammed. All of the sudden he felt someone breathing on his neck.

"Going somewhere?" Tom asked, smirking as he took the crowbar out of Tré's hands. He started to whimper as the older, stronger man stood behind him. Tom walked around him to get a good look at his face. He took the crowbar and swung it at the drummer. Tré dropped to the ground moaning in intense pain. "I wouldn't try that again if I were you," said Tom as Tré fell into unconsciousness.

Mike Dirnt

I watched my reflection in the mirror. Not knowing why I was doing it. I just was, even though I should be concentrating more on leaving the house to search for Tré. He had been gone for 48 hours and the police still hasn't found anything. No traces, no hints. Nothing. I sighed heavily. Since I found out he was gone, I didn't want to believe he was died. Billie and I haven't thought of any reasons for this to happen. But Tré doesn't tell us everything that happens in his life. Like last summer when he was going to marry that whore up in Portland. Two months after they broke up, he finally told us. Apparently, he was in love with this hooker he found at some bar in Oakland who was visiting from Portland and he told her a couple weeks later he wanted to marry her. She said no of course. He wasn't to upset about it. Billie had debated that it was her revenge. I thought he was crazy but shrugged it off.

As I drove to Billie's, some jackass was fallowing me. I tried to lose him because he was pissing me off. But it didn't work. Then I drove into some random parking lot and started yelling at those fuckers. The got out of the car and one of them was carrying a bat.

"Your going to threaten me with that piece of shit?" I yelled. They came closer, one of them grabbed me from behind and the one with the bat hit me over the head.