Love Is Dead


Kristen's POV:

“We're going to Germany!”

“Yes!” Liz exclaimed. “I've always wanted to go there!”

“Finally senior year German class pays off!” Magda cheered. ”And I get to be there with my two best friends!”

“Yeah, man!” I shouted, giving them both hi-fives.

Yeah. We were that awesome.

We were all so excited for the field trip coming up next month. We'd actually be going to Germany – out of the country! Explore a new world, and have adventures! Sneaking away from teachers and doing our own thing! It would be a total blast! I couldn't wait!

I slammed my locker shut, still daydreaming about the adventures we'd have. Magda and Liz leaned against the lockers next to me. Then suddenly, Alyssa leaned next to us.

You know how every school has that one annoying person in their grade? The one that no one can get rid of, no matter how hard they shake them off? The one that's always talking to you, and can't take a hint that you absolutely despise them? Well, that was Alyssa.

“Did you hear?” she whispered loudly.

“Hear what?” I groaned, putting a headphone in my ear carelessly.

“Tokio Hotel is going on tour this summer.”

I groaned and rolled my eyes. “Whoopee.”

“Aren't you excited?”

“No. I like bands for their music, not their looks,” I spat bitterly.

She pursed her lips, obviously hurt (which was what I was aiming for). Liz, Magda and I walked away like she had never been there, but she started to follow us. Kill me now I thought to myself.

“Their music is good,” she insisted, tugging on the sleeve of my sweatshirt.

“Yeah, sure,” I said, not really listening to her. I pushed the door of the school open, revealing warm sunlight and fresh air. I smelled the new Spring air, and pulled my sweatshirt off over my head. Magda and Liz followed me out, walking fast to try to lose Alyssa. But her short legs were too fast for us. Ugh.

“Tokio Hotel is the best, how can you not like them?” she whined.

I didn't answer her question, but walked faster to make it to my house quicker. Liz and Magda did the same, rolling their eyes at her as well. Finally, we lost her.

We all were aggravated with the question, and partially hurt. No one in the school really knew the truth behind why we didn't like Tokio Hotel. No one except the three of us. And no one would know. We had kept it to ourselves ever since they got famous and ditched us for the press and the fame and the glory.

I rolled my eyes just thinking about it. We had all been such great friends. Kind of like one big family. Magda and Liz were getting really close to Tom, while Bill was practically my big brother. Then Gustav and Georg come along, and they start to forget about us little by little, practicing their music.

And don't get me wrong, we loved Gustav and Georg. We were all happy for them. We did all that we could to get them gigs at restaurants, trying to get them record deals, everything. We weren't hurt in the least bit that they were ditching us to practice their music. Honestly. We were happy for them – excited.

They finally got their record deal. We were all excited. Except for one thing – they had to work in Germany. They had moved to the United States to go to school here a little while back, so they were all excited to go back home. We minded a little, but we understood. It was just business.

They promised to write us as much as possible, and we all said our goodbyes.

And we hadn't heard from them since.

Yeah, it's possible they could be really busy. Maybe they forgot our addresses, or didn't know how to mail or call outside the country. But you would think they would have contacted at least one of us over the past five years, right?


And another thing that got the three of us mad was how they always told the press they kept in touch with their old friends, and always called them and everything. Yet in reality, they didn't even attempt to find our addresses, or figure out how to call and mail out of the country – if that was the case.

So, one: they break their promises. Two: they lie to the world.

And three: We're left here, heartbroken.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey everyone, it's Liz!
Magda, Kristen and I have all started this story together ^_^
I'm very excited about it
We will each be posting a chapter in our POV (thats how you'll know who wrote what chapter) and be posting as often as we can.

Comments are appreciated :D