Love Is Dead

Chapter 11

Liz's POV

“Finally, we made it” I fell back onto the bed, breathing heavy from running for so long.

“Do you think they’ve checked our room yet?” Kristen asked, plopping herself into the chair next to my bed.

“I hope not” I said then looked around. Something was missing. More like someone was missing. “Where’s Magda?” Sure I was beyond pissed at her and Tom for what happened but that didn’t mean that I wasn’t worried about her. She was still my friend after all.

Kristen and I both looked at each other in shock. How could we lose her? “Wasn’t she right behind Bill?” She asked, turning to Bill who was still in the room along with Georg and Gustav.

“She wasn’t behind me; last I saw she was with Tom.”

I rolled my eyes “Of course she was”

Kristen gave me a look, basically telling me that it wasn’t the time to be pissed off.

I sighed “We gotta find her”

“Yea we can’t get into trouble. The first thing the teachers said to us before we left was that ‘if you kids get into any trouble we’ll send you back home so fast you won’t even know what hit you’” Kristen mocked one of our teachers, using air quotes and I laughed.

“Should we stay here?” Georg asked as we got up to leave.

“Nope, you’re coming with us. Besides Tom’s missing, you have to find him too.” I reminded them.

“He’s probably with Magda” Gustav muttered with a shrug.

Damn why the hell did everyone have to keep mentioning that?! It was seriously starting to piss me off. It’s not like I didn’t know already. I honestly hated knowing it, I was in love with Tom and he broke my heartmore than once having everyone say he’s with her was just another punch in the gut for me.

“Let’s go” I mumbled and stormed out the door with Kristen and the guys’ right behind me

We went down the hallway a little ways until we heard a scream come from the opposite direction.

“Magda!” We all shouted and ran to find the room the scream came from.
♠ ♠ ♠
Liz here :D
Kinda lame/ short i know. Sorry

hope you still like it though x]

Kristen your turn