Love Is Dead

Chapter 2

Liz’s POV

The plane ride seemed to fly by as Kristen, Magda, and I were sleeping, listening to music, enjoying the scenery, or all three. Who knew Germany and the places along the way (yes that includes the ocean) could look so beautiful?

We all raced each other off the plane and ran to baggage claim. Everyone was staring as we zoomed past them, laughing and tripping each other along the way. It wouldn’t have looked so bad if there was only a few people running but seeing as it was our entire class it looked like a huge mob.

“I can’t believe we’re finally here!” I shouted excitedly as I grabbed my huge suitcase and waited for Kristen and Magda to get theirs.

“Everyone needs to stay close until we count all of you and make sure everyone is here.” One of the teachers said, having to yell because all of us were talking animatedly about how excited we were.

After the teachers did their “head checks” as they liked to call them, we headed out to the buses that were taking us to the hotel we would be staying at. It was almost dark out by the time we reached the hotel, so none of us would be able to go exploring until the morning; which was fine by just about everyone because plane rides –even though you sit there the whole time- can be exhausting.

“Oh. My. God. Do you guys see this place?” Magda squealed as we entered the lobby to the biggest hotel I had ever seen.

“No Magda, we don’t see anything. It’s not like we’re in the same building as you or anything…” I replied in a sarcastic, teasing way. She stuck her tongue out at me and we all laughed.

The teachers gave us our room key and everyone made their way to the elevators and stairs to go up to their rooms and unpack everything and get settled in.

“Room 625” Kirsten said and opened the door, revealing the most amazing room(s) I had ever seen. This was more like an enormous apartment building than a hotel room. It was huge; it could house at least five people comfortable and still be room for some guests for a party or something. We walked around, making sure to look at everything. When we got to the bedrooms, we each called dibs on a certain one. The most amazing part to all the bedrooms was they each had their very own bathroom; every girl’s dream to have their own bathroom all to themselves. Luckily it all worked out perfectly and we each got the room we wanted.

“Wait girls” Mrs. Reed called to us before Magda closed the door; that we accidentally forgot to close in the rush to check out our new living space.

“Yea?” we all called in unison.

“There are fewer rooms than we expected so we are going to have to add an extra person to yours okay?”

“As long as it’s not Alyssa” I mumbled so only Magda and Kristen could hear me. They stifled their laughter as none other than the girl we were dreading to stay with us was standing at the doorway.

“You have got to be kidding me” I sighed and plopped on the couch.

“Have fun girls!” Mrs. Reed called cheerfully and went down the hall with a trail of kids that were room-less followed her.

“Isn’t this just great” Alyssa grinned her fake Barbie grin and walked into the living room with her suitcase.

“I’m going to bed” I grumbled and went to my room (one with an extra large window so I could look out to the city streets below). Magda and Kristen were right behind me. After saying our goodnights we went into our own rooms; leaving Alyssa out in the living room all by herself.
♠ ♠ ♠
This one's all by me :D (Liz)
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Looks like you're up Kristen!