Love Is Dead

Chapter 6

Kristen's POV:

“This is just great,” I moaned, slapping my forehead. “She's gonna tell everyone!”

“I'm sorry!” Georg threw his hands up in the air. “Last time I checked, sneezing wasn't illegal!”

I took a deep breath, calming my anger. “It's all right. Wasn't your fault.” I choked the words out with much frustration.

“So,” Liz sighed, “what do we do with the girl?”

“We can tell her it was a dream...” Bill suggested with a shrug.

“That's not a bad idea, but she might not buy it,” I replied.

“I'm a good persuader,” Magda smirked, clenching her fist and throwing it up so everyone could see her threat.

“Okay,” I laughed. “This might work.”

“No, it will work,” Magda smiled, admiring her knuckles. “I'll make it work.”

I raised an eyebrow at her, then clapped my hands together. “Anyway...” I said, changing the subject. “What about our plan?”

“Plan?” Liz asked.

“Yeah. Weren't we gonna sneak out tonight?”

“Ohhhh yeah!” Liz exclaimed. “Let's go!”

“But what do we do with her?” Tom asked, leaning over Alyssa. He picked up her arm, and let go of it. It dropped carelessly to the ground. She was out cold. Tom raised an eyebrow at us.

“Uh...put her in her bed,” I suggested, waving my hand in command.

Bill shrugged, and grabbed her arms while Tom grabbed her legs. They hauled her in a random bed, and threw a blanket over her, making it seem less obvious that the band was actually here.

I grabbed my jacket, as did Liz and Magda, and we headed out quietly.


Our footsteps on the brick road echoed in the empty streets. The street lamps were on, giving us enough light to see a ways ahead of us. It was slightly drizzling, the raindrops drumming on the roofs of the shops we were passing by.

The moon shone brightly in the blackened sky.

We walked in silence, just enjoying each other's presence. It was a beautiful night, well worth the trip. It made everything seem right for once.

I sighed.

“What's wrong?” Bill asked me, walking beside me, his hands shoved in his pockets.

“Nothing,” I replied with a small smile. “Just thinking.”

“About what?”

“This night. It's nice out here in Germany.”

“It's raining.”

“I know,” I chuckled slightly. “That doesn't mean it's not a nice night.”

“Well then you should see a night when it's not drizzling.”

“Is it supposed to rain all week?”

“I dunno.”

“Thanks. You're a big help.”

He laughed.

Then it was silent again.

We walked a little more, slower this time, embracing all the beauty of Germany around us. Ahead of Bill and I was Tom, Liz and Magda on either side of him. Georg was on the other side of Bill, a little further off, in his own little world. Gustav was behind Georg, not really paying attention.

“What are you doing tomorrow?” Bill asked, breaking the silence.

“I dunno. I think the whole grade is forced to go to a museum.”

“Wanna skip it?”

“Bill Kaulitz, are you suggesting we cut school?”

“It's technically not school if you're not in a district,” he smirked proudly.

“Uh, yeah it is,” I smirked back playfully.

“Uh, no it's not,” he mimicked.

“Fine, but Alyssa will be wondering where I am. She's kind of a stalker.”

“I'm Bill Kaulitz,” he smiled proudly. “I can lose a stalker.”


An ear pitching scream woke me from my slumber.

“GAH!” I shouted. “SHUT UP ALYSSA!”

“TOKIO HOTEL!” she screamed. “THEY WERE HERE!”

“What the hell are you talking about, psycho?” Liz said, raising an eyebrow at Alyssa who had just bolted upright in her bed.

“Tokio Hotel!” She cried. “They were here!”

“You just said that,” I moaned, rolling over, pretending not to care.

“But they were!” she exclaimed, dragging out the 'r' so it sounded more like 'werrrrrrrrrre.'

“No they weren't,” I mimicked, dragging out the 'r' just like she had done.

She started to scream again, when suddenly, the noise stopped. Relieved, I turned over to see what had made her shut up, when I saw Magda's hand over her mouth, a fist pushed hard into her nose.

”Shut. Up.”

Alyssa nodded in fear, knowing what her punishment would be if she didn't shut her face.

I groaned and toppled out of bed, ready to make myself some cereal. Frosted Flakes baby.

“Museum today?” Liz asked, throwing herself in a chair next to me.

“Not for me,” I smiled, taking a spoonful of cereal and shoving it in my mouth.

“Why not?”

I looked around for Alyssa, then leaned close to her ear, swallowing my Frosted Flakes. “I'm ditching to hang out with Bill.”

“That's so weird!” she screeched. Then her voice lowered back to a whisper. “Me and Magda are ditching to hang out with Tom!”

My mouth shaped into an 'o.' “No way!”

“Yeah way!”

We hi-fived.

Suddenly Magda walked in the kitchen, flexing her fingers back and forth. Suddenly, my eyebrows raised. “Where's Alyssa?”

Magda shrugged with a sly smile. “She had fallen back to sleep for some reason.” Liz and I exchanged glances. Suddenly, Magda's voice got quiet. “I didn't even hit her that hard,” she mumbled, not realizing we'd heard.

Liz and I tumbled over in laughter.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kristen here!!
Wooo! Sixth chapter!
Yeahh baby! :)
Comments and subscribers are welcome and very much appreciated <3:)
Magda's turn! Go go go!!