Love Is Dead

Chapter 8

My heart stopped as I walked out of the bathroom and saw Magda kissing Tom. What was going on here? She acted so pissed off when we ran into them the other day and now she was kissing him? Sure we all forgave them but really, we hardly knew who they were anymore, it’s not like they were the same guys we used to be friends with. We all changed. The only words that ran through my mind were What. The. Fuck.

I froze and stared like this was all fake or some joke and at any moment they’d pull away and shout “surprise we’re joking! Let’s go get ice cream!” or something. Anything would’ve been better than what Magda did say when she saw me standing there like a deer stuck in headlights.

She pulled away from Tom and looked at me; almost embarrassed that I saw them together. “Hey Liz, I uh… can explain?” she shrugged.

“What’s going on here?!” I shouted. I was so confused I didn’t know what else to say.

Bill stepped in between them before they could explain. “Easy Liz, don’t do anything you’re gonna regret later.” He held his hands up defensively, trying to stop me from doing anything drastic.

I wasn’t even thinking about what I was going to do. All I was thinking about was what happened. “Me regret?” I whispered I could hardly hear myself. “What about her?” my voice grew louder as I glared at Magda. “She obviously didn’t think about how this would affect our friendship now did she!?”

“Liz please it was my fault, I kissed her first.” Tom said.

Psh as if that makes things better” I scoffed to myself.

“Why guys? Especially you Magda. You knew I liked Tom and you go and do this?” I shook my head, I could feel tears coming but they were angry tears not sad. I just couldn’t understand what was going on.

“I’m sorry Liz but its just I liked him too and you already had your chance with him remember?”

“That was years ago!” I screamed and remembered what happened.

”Hey Tom wait for me!” I laughed as I chased Tom through the park close to the school.

“No way slow poke hurry up” he called back.

“I’m not slow!” I giggled some more and caught up to him, accidentally pushing him to the ground and tumbling over him.

He rolled over on top of me, his chocolate eyes boar into mine with such intensity. The next thing I knew our lips were pressed together and we were kissing.

“You know what this means now don’t you?” He whispered when we pulled apart.


“We are now a couple.” He smirked proudly and helped me up.

“So soon?” I giggled though I was joking. I’d known Tom for years I was actually glad something like this finally happened. I had always had the biggest crush on him ever since we met.

He nodded and took my hand, walking me over to the swings.


Our relationship was great, we were inseparable. Even Kristen, Bill, Magda, Gustav and Georg were cool with us going out and we all hung out together anyways so it wasn’t a big deal. Until the guys had to move back to Germany then everything fell apart.

“I guess this is goodbye then.” Tom said to me as the bus and his band waited for him to finish with his goodbyes.

“But I don’t want you to leave.” I whispered, holding back my tears as best I could.

“Don’t worry, I’ll write you and call you every chance I get” he promised wiping a stray tear from my cheek with his thumb. “I want this to work out for us; I think I’m in love with you Liz.”

My heart skipped a beat when he said that and I gave him one last kiss and watched him leave and get on the bus. “I love you too!” I called and he waved goodbye along with Bill, Georg, and Gustav.

Magda, Kristen and I stood there and watched as the bus drove away to the airport. And that was the last I heard from him.

I looked over at Tom, he remembered what had happened too, I could see it in his eyes.

“You promised” I said simply and walked away.

“Liz wait!” Kristen and Magda yelled after me.

I ignored them and continued walking; I needed to be alone…
♠ ♠ ♠
Liz here ;)
Wow Drama with a capital "D" eh guys?

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Kristen your turn! GO!