My Nearly immortal life


Chapter #9: Explanations
“I don’t know what to say…” Sarah said quietly “I guess my main questions are if you’re not human, than what are you; also if you’re not Noah Salurn, than who are you; and I want the truth, no more lies or cryptic secrets!” I honored her wishes and answered truthfully.
“I’m what the earth imperial government calls a Ketari,” I answered “there is no public knowledge of my people; we are shape shifters that can use the abilities of other creatures to our advantage, and we can only die of old age. In truth I never had a true name before, but I told you the truth when you asked me if my name wasn’t Noah Salurn, when I said, “It is now.” remember?”
“What do you mean?” she asked.
“What I mean is before, Noah Salurn was just an alias, a false identity,” I explained “but after meeting you, it became more than that. I’ve thrown away my lack of identity to truly become Noah Salurn!”
“You don’t have a true identity? Even as a Ketari?” Sarah asked.
“Unless you count a floating orb of gold light as a true form then no.” I answered, “and Ketari don’t have names for each other because we rarely ever meet our fellow Ketari.”
“So you’re doing all this because you love me?” Sarah inquired.
“Yes Sarah,” I confessed, “and I’d like to spend the rest of your life with you.” A rat next to a nearby dumpster shifter into the familiar shape of Dan.
“Alright I’ve heard enough of this,” Dan growled, “its time for some intervention!”
An Unexpected Guest
After another gasp of shock from Sarah, I turned to Dan and said with a smirk,
“You know Dan, in the earth empire stalking is considered a crime.”
“Don’t give me that shit, “Noah”,” Dan snapped, “I warned you not to be involved with the full mortals. I was even indulgent enough to allow you to rescue her! However this has gone too far, I will not let you be hurt as I was!”
“Can things get any weirder?” Sarah wondered aloud.
“I’ll explain it in terms small enough for your simple, human brain!” Dan snarled at Sarah, “you may have noticed that lover boy over here told you “I’d like to be with you for the rest of YOUR life.” he continued, “I, being a Ketari as well, know just as well as he does that he’ll outlive you by thousands of years!”
“How long do you live?” Sarah asked.
“An average of eighty thousand years, no less…” I answered with a sigh.
“Usually humans have limits of the couple’s age difference.” Dan said with a smirk.
“How old are you really Noah?” Sarah inquired.
“Twenty thousand five hundred and eighty six…” I replied sadly, “but my age in equivalence to human years is about twenty.”
“So how will you keep and love her Noah Salurn, like a temporary thing? Like a pet?” Dan scolded, “Is that your plan? If so is that all she means to you?”
“Sarah?” I asked turning to her, “How do you feel about this?”
“To me, this changes nothing.” She answered slowly. “To me you are the same Noah I fell in love with; and it would break my heart if you left me.”
“You see Dan,” I said with a small smile, “this isn’t just for me, she loves me too, and I’d gladly give up my long term happiness for her lifetime supply.”
“Congratulations Noah Salurn,” Dan said walking away with a smile, “You’ve proved me wrong and gained my eternal respect, your not as selfish or naive as I first thought… Enjoy her while she lasts…”