The Bet

Slurpees and Passion

“Soooo... are you gonna fuck me yet?” I blurted out, making Frank choke on his laughter.

“Nope,” Gerard responded cooly, “YOU lost, babe.” He smiled a bit and took another bite.

‘Hahaa, Mr.... You the one that’s about to lose.’ I thought deviously, concocting he perfect plan. And Jamia was going to help me.

I figured I give him one more chance to give in to my “womanly charm” before I put him through hell.

“Gerard?” I asked after a moment, “Can I talk to you real quick?” I stood up and motioned for him to follow me around the corner.

“What’s up?” He said, blissfully ignorant.

“I just wanted to do one thing... one little thing, okay? Please?” I weakly implored.

“Sure, darlin’.” He seemed concerned.

I put my hands on either side of his face before I looked up into his light hazel eyes, then placed a gentle kiss on his lips. I lingered, enjoying the sensation that I had sorely missed. I guess he enjoyed it too because he pressed into me and lengthen the now passionate kiss. He was running his cold fingers down my side when I broke from him. Gerard attempted to grasp me but then stopped himself as I moved away. I took a glance back and could see in him that same fiery and unavoidable desire I felt.

But if I knew anything about Gerard, it was that he’s a man of his word and will NEVER go back on it whether it concerned me or not, no matter how petty it seemed. And I respected that. But he would get what’s coming to him because a very important obligation of being a boyfriend is fulfilling what the girlfriend wants and NEEDS.

“I have to get back to work. Just leave me alone today, babe. Okay?” I requested, sounding distant.

He mumbled something but I couldn’t tell what is was. When I reached the merch tent again Jamia was back and her and Frank were adorably messing around. I was sadly jealous and moped over to folding shirts that were already folded. I put on my iPod as customers that I didn’t want to deal with walked up. Frank had to leave but spanked me playfully and hard before he left.

“I’m gonna steal your boy, I hope that’s okay with you.” I revealed to Jamia.

“Haha, okay, but I’m pretty sure we’re polygamists already so you can just join the family.”

“Oh, good. Do you allow pets?” I asked with a smile.

“Sure, why do you want to bring Gerard along?”

I laughed, “Yeah... that dog.”

“We have to think of a suitable punishment for disobedience.”

“More like too much obedience...” He was so stubborn about stupid things sometimes.

“Poor girl... you poor, poor abstinent girl.”

“Shut up!” I threw an empty waterbottle at her, “But really now, I need a new tactic. Like reverse psychology or something.”

“Oooh, good work Sherlock, please continue...” She stroked her chin and patronized me with an English accent.

I raised my eyebrow and leaned in closer to tell her my genius idea, “I was thinking at the show tonight we could dance,” She nodded, “You know that dancing that they all like so much... Then I’ll pretend like I don’t want him AT ALL. Maybe even flirt with some other dude. Give it a couple shows like that and he’ll be all over me. What do you think?”

“It could either be the most brilliant plan ever, or it could be a disast-”

“I know right? Brilliant!

So maybe I cut her off, and maybe I ignored the whole disaster thing, but my plans of tricking Gerard haven’t failed me yet.

The sun had almost set as the boys got onstage. We had others to watch the tent so Jamia and I and more of our sexy friends headed over to the SideOneDummy stage preparing our preemptive strike. As if on cue, ‘Honey...’ started blasting when we got there and I stripped off my hoodie down to a small lacy tank.

Let the games begin.

I grabbed Jamia by the hand and pulled her to me and twirled her around. We were well on our way to grinding as the song changed. ‘Vampires’ is slower paced so our movements were more seductive. By the time ‘Our Lady of Sorrows’ began we were insane with laughter and giddiness. He definitely started noticing, everyone did. I knew this would work. The mistake he made was playing ‘Prison’ As you probably know, Gerard and Frank like to show some man-love during this song...

and they did...

so WE did.

Jamia kissed me on the cheek and I put my hand to my mouth in exaggerated surprise and when Gerard turned away to face the drums I smiled with a sadistic knowledge of what I was doing. Frank seemed to be enjoying himself, but when Gerard caught him staring dumbly at us, he kicked Frank and brought him to his knees. Frank being Frank simply went with it and played on the ground till the end of the song. I was really hot and sweaty after the next two songs and decided we could leave to grab some $12 beers.

The girls and me were well on our way to drunk and making fools out of ourselves by the van when the guys joined us. Frank came up to us and kissed Jamia hard on the lips and then planted a big one on me. I was laughing hysterically as he put his arms around the both of us and was about to whisk us away to a dark room somewhere. And I probably would have gone if Gerard hadn’t called out my name.

I pivoted around to meet the familiar aroma he acquires while onstage. No matter how disgusting it might be to strangers, for me it was home...

“Oh... hey.” I said, perfectly hiding my desire and naughty plan.

“Hey, babe. What exactlyare you doing, huh?” He sweetly asked with the cutest smile.

I made my eyes real big and stared into him, “... Nothing... Did you se where Jamia and Frank went?” I turned to look but he stopped my shoulder and I looked at him again.

“I want to talk-”

“Talk, talk, talk...” I rattled on, just sounding drunk now, “Baby, TALK is cheap. Cheep, cheep, cheep!” I did my chick impression, poked him in the tummy, and whirled away.

I could only imagine that his face was priceless, but I couldn’t dwell on it. I had to do something that would really get his attention before he started catching on.

Everyone was moving in a huge colorful blur as I stumbled through the crowds. I could smell the barbecue so I decided to follow my nose. The barbecue band was the usually the youngest band on the tour and cooked dinner for everyone every night. And this band was CUTE.

Bingo. A perfect target.

“Hey fellas. What’s cookin’ good lookin’?” I slurred with a big ‘take-me’ kind of smile.

“Hey, boss,” One said to me with a similar smile and because I WAS a kind of boss, “Whatcha eatin’ tonight?”

“Mmmmm...” I thought, “Una Boca, por favor! With a hug on the side.”

“A perfect choice, boss-lady.” He smiled.

“You’re, uh... Tom?

“Yes, I suppose I am.” He looked down at his laminate clipped on his shirt that gave me away. He handed over the paper plate and leaned into to whisper to me, “This one’s on the house... from me.”

“Oooooh! You’re sooo bad!” I gushed, “Cool. But, yeah, Tom, how’s the tour been to you?”

“Pretty fucking great. I just wish we didn’t go on after My Chem though. They blow us away.”

“They’re pretty great, huh?”

“What’s up with you and Gerard?”

“What do you mean?”

“You guys are dating?”

“Yep... Barely....”

“What was that?”

“Dude, you don’t know?! He has this bet where he just tortures me until I drop dead! Pretty great, huh? REALLY cool.”

“What the hell are you talking about now?”

“Okay, okay... the bet was, well, no, wait, I’ll give you the BACK STORY, then it’ll all make sense.”

Tom just looked at me as if nothing out of my mouth would make sense.

“The weekend before, we were in bed, me and Gerard, right? Just fooling around,” I started and Tom’s eyes got big, “And he fell off the bed. He says it was my fault...,” I leaned into him, “... but it was NOT, and he snapped his wrist, fractured, sprained neck, whatever. After he got a cast I still really wanted... him, you know? Like ALL the time, still do, but he didn’t trust me! Pft! Weird right?” Tom nodded in agreement, “Soooo, we were at yet another truck stop one afternoon, grabbing food, gas, stuff... and Frank is always betting me stupid stuff. He bet me I couldn’t eat a whole bag of Cheetos... I did... He bet me I wouldn’t ask the cashier for a kiss... I did... I was on a role... but then Gerard strides in, all high and mighty, with that look in his eye, and he bets me that I can’t drink a large Slurpee and then win Ray in a race. ‘You’re SO on,’ I said, and he’s like, ‘Bring it!’ and I’m like ‘What do I get when I win?’ and he’s like, ‘A slave-day from me. Whatever you want ALL day,’ but then he said, ‘But if you lose, you stop bugging me about sex for TWO MONTHS,’

“What happened then?”

“So we all go outside, I’ve got my tennis shoes on, Slurpee in hand, next to Ray. Everyone is watching me as I chug the damned Coke-flavored thing from Hell. I finished, slapped Ray on the arm and got in position. ‘1, 2, 3!’ and were off. Around the Snack-Zone building, across the deserted street and back again. Let me remind you those Cheetos and old Indian man kiss were coming back to haunt me as we crossed the street. And, fuck man, I lost by a fraction! A FRACTION!

Tom’s mouth was open as he handed out some more burgers, “That’s messed up. I’m sorry.”

“I know, right? Real FUCKED up... So I’m kind of pissed at him.”

“How long has it been?”

“Uuuhhhh, five weeks. And it’s not like I’m not trying either. It’s practically all I do. Right now I’m trying reverse psychology-”

“Well, I think it’s working because here he comes. He looks a bit perturbed. Here, I’ll help you.”

I laughed and then Tom opened his arms for the hug I’d ordered. His warmth set into my skin when I heard Gerard’s voice.

“Babe! C’mere for a sec.” He said.

“Uuuggh,” I groaned and stepped away shoving the burger into my mouth and ripping out a huge, unattractive bite, “You summoned?” I gurgled.

“Aawww, you’re cute, you little chipmunk.” Gerard’s smile was so loving I almost choked.

“Pft.” I grunted. He didn’t seem to notice, only took me around the shoulder and started to walk me in the direction of our friends’ bus.

“What you think of the show?” He asked.

“Other than the Frankie abuse?” I looked up at him with big doe eyes and still chewing, “It was pretty darn good.”

“You were putting on a pretty darn good show, too.” He trailed.

“What?” I loudly asked, pretending to be too drunk to hear him, “Oh, hey! Frank! FRANK!” I was yelling like a juvenile and when Frank didn’t hear me I bolted out of Gerard’s grasp and on to Frank’s back.

“What the-.. Oh, it’s only you! What do you need?” Frank asked.



“Yeah, help,” Jamia explained, “We need to get out of here... find some REAL fun, you know? Brian, go talk to Gerard, he’s bored.”

I giggled, still mounted on Frank and loving Jamia more than I thought possible. Brian walked over to Gerard, stalling him long enough for the three of us to get away. We found some shelter in the bus previously mentioned.

“Um, what the hell was that?” Frank asked, popping open another can of beer, “And am I gonna get in trouble?”

“Why, has that ever stopped you before?”

“Well, no, but...” Frank glanced over at me, now kneeling on the couch next to him looking out the window at Gerard and laughing terribly, “What’s her problem?... Wait, this was your idea huh?” He accused pulling me on to his and Jamia’s lap.

I pointed to myself, “Who me? Well, I never...” I said, but I couldn’t stop a sloppy laugh, “Oh, Jamia, this is the best plan ever... he’s already confused!”

“I hope he stays charmingly tempted and curious and doesn’t get mad.”

“Puuuuu-leeez... if he gets mad, I’ll just kiss his cute little kissable face...” I sat up and demonstrated on Frank making him smirk, “...and POW! no longer mad! Um, I don’t know, was that ANOTHER genius plan? I think so!” I fell off the small couch and sat on the floor gazing up at my second favorite couple ever, “I love you guys...” I gushed then stood up and gave Jamia a big kiss then followed by giving Frankie his 2nd.

It was either perfect timing or bad timing because, of course, Gerard walked in at that very moment. He did not look happy. Or jealous, or mad. Just confused.

“Hey, old man! Jealous...?” I greeted him, “Come to ruin another good time? We haven’t even decided what laws to break and here you are... bummer. Aw, well, see you guys around.” I stated before I danced around Gerard and out of the bus.

About a week of dumb intoxicated teasing and chasing went on, but one night Gerard must have gotten real sick and tired of me because he would get as drunk as I was, but in half the time. Tonight he was at an elevated level of D.R.U.N.K. Level six to be exact, which is his BRAWL level.

“Oooops!” I muttered foolishly then laughed trying to help Gerard up the few steps to the friends’ house we were staying,a.k.a. passing out, at for a weekend.

“Stop FUCKING laughing at me!” He growled.

“Oh, babe-”

“No! Just SHUT UP!”

“Pft... YOU shut up, baby.” I sniggered, not getting it and still giggling.

“Uuuuuuuggggghhhhhhh! Let go of me!” He demanded and jerked his arm away from me.

His force was too much for my slow reaction time and I stumbled backwards and down all five stairs.

“Ow...?” I squeaked, not feeling any pain yet.

“Fuck.” Was all Gerard said before he came to look down at me, watching me squirm trying to get up.

“What the fuck, Gerard?” It was Tom, along with the rest of his band.

“Uh...” Gerard was speechless.

And I was motionless.

“Did you just... hit her?” Tom yelled storming over.

“No-” Gerard started but Tom grabbed his lapels.

“Push her? Slap her? What the fuck just happened?!”

“Nothing! You don’t even know us!”

“The fuck I don’t! I know she barely talks to you! Now I know-”

“You don’t know shit you fucking prick!” Gerard screamed, pushing Tom back.

I sat up weakly, “Gerard?” I quietly called out to him, suddenly hoarse with some fear.

He turned to respond, with deep compassion in his eyes, but Tom tugged him back to look at him.

“Oh no, you’re done with her.” Tom said and pulled his arm back to punch my boyfriend.

“Nooooo!” I yelped as someone helped me up and tried to take me inside, “Let go!” I yelled at the person, “Gerard!”

Gerard had returned the favor and Tom tripped backwards.

“Babe! Gerard! Just stop!” I pleaded, but they continued to whale on each other.

It wasn’t too long before the contents of the house rushed outside to either join in or stare. With the movement of the crowd I managed to escape my captor and stood at the edge of the fight, hands on my face, screaming for a cease fire.

“Oh my God! STOP!!”

“What’s going on?” Someone asked me from behind.

I turned and it was Mikey, “They’re brawling like fucking animals! Make them stop, Mikey!”

Frank had appeared and was desperately trying to get it on this battle, but Ray was holding him back at the waist.

“Frank!” I looked back at Mikey who was just trying to take it all in, “Not you, too.”

Mikey ran over to Gerard and grabbed him, finally yanking him out of the struggle -that involved a dozen people now- and around to the back of the house where it was quiet. I raced over to Gerard and pounced on him, grabbing him around the neck.

“I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry. This was all my fault. I’m so dumb. I’m sorry.... Gerard...” I was breathless and dizzy, the fall caught up with me.

He resisted at first, still tense with anger, but then sighed and wrapped him arms around my waist and squeezed, “My head hurts.”

“I know, babe. I know... Mine, too.” I shook my head on his shoulder then kissed his neck.

He lifted me off the ground for a long, apologetic hug.

“Come inside with me, okay?” I suggested.


I pulled him into the small room and closed and locked the door.

“Let me look at you. Are you hurt?” He asked me, I just laughed because it was a stupid question.

“Shit,” I cursed myself looking at the red marks and bruises on him, then I noticed his hands, “Shit” They were bloody, “Awww... ew, babe.” I giggled and gingerly held up his sticky hand, “They should have some kind of band-aid or something.” I started looking through the cabinets and found peroxide and bandages. He sat and I nursed. There was a loud knock at the door.

“Fuck off!” Gerard shouted suddenly.

“Hey, fuck you, too.” They responded.

“Chill, baby. We just need to relax for now.” I said with a smile and rested my head on his shoulder. Facing his neck, I noticed a dark pink scratch. I felt guilty and squeezed my eyes shut kissing it. He gasped. I almost couldn’t believe it. I kissed him again. He held my hand tightly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and continued a trail of kisses up his neck, his cheek, until I reached his mouth. Just sloppy pecks until he opened his legs and pulled my closer. He opened his mouth and allowed my tongue into his mouth. I inched as close as possible, feeling the cool tile of the sink and Gerard’s warmth. I was searching for a reaction from him. Just as he began to lean into the kiss and relax there was another fucking knock at the door.

“Come on! My guts are about to completely spill out-” They complained but stopped short as Gerard shot the door open dragging me my the hand behind him, “Uh, thanks guys...”

Gerard gave him the finger and I licked the side of Gerard’s face with a witchy laugh.

“Uugghh, what was that for?” He asked wiping the side of his face and closing our door behind us.

“I don’t know, I just felt like it...” We were staying in an upstairs den and I sat on an old floral couch with my hands underneath my thighs.

“Just felt like it, huh?” He asked sitting next to me now, “... You sure do feel a lot.”

“Yeah,” I laughed, “...and you don’t feel enough.”

He moved until our legs were flush up against each other, “I feel you... And I do love you. I would never hurt you.”

“Oh, baby!” I blurted out, “I know that! Don’t ever think that I’d let some stranger change my opinion of you. I adore you...” I slowly moved my glance up his side to his eyes, “And I love you more.”

“More? Nah... I pretty sure that’s not possible.” He assured with his hand on the side of my face.

We just stared for a while until, “Well, I hate to ruin this awesome mood but,” I yawned wide, “I’m sleepy, baby.”

He laughed as I laid down on the couch, too lazy to move to the bed. He got up to change out of his clothes but soon joined me.

“Why are we on the couch?” We were curled up as close as we could get and were just talking. I loved cuddling, it was so intimate, maybe even more intimate than sex. Maybe I could do this.


“Because I’m laaaazy... and you’re warm. And cute.”

“Your eyes are closed, how do you know?”

“Stop talking and go to sleep,” I put my hand over his mouth, “Or I’ll make you makeout with me.”

“That would be alright...” He trailed.

“Gooood.” I kissed him a few times, but he started saying something.

“Wh-why,” He took his lips off mine, “Why do you want me so bad?”

“What?” I sat up a little and looked down at him.

“This is fucking embarrassing...” He rubbed his temple.

“No it’s not. I’ll answer you. Proudly! It’s because you’re sexy. You’re strong. Devastatingly handsome. Sweet,” I stole a kiss with every adjective, “Who wouldn’t? Why do you think you’ve had a girlfriend ever since you hit puberty?”


“Exactly. Now don’t make me answer any more rhetorical questions.”

“I was serious. I don’t believe you. You’re drunk.”

“Hey! Drunk girls can tell the good guys from the bad ones. They just can’t help themselves if either throw themselves at them.”

“I’m not sure that makes sense.”

“Listen, you either shut up, take my compliments and go to bed, or kiss me furiously for a long time.”

“Okay, if you insist...” He joked while pulling me down on top of him.

It was our first makeout that didn’t lead to something more. And I was okay with it.