Fatal Attraction


Edward walked down the hallway and darted into Maddy's room. He walked in and saw her with white bandages all over her arms, shoulder, and forehead. He frowned seeing her, and immediately rushed over to her side. The scent of her blood was still strong; but he ignored it, and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Are you okay?" He ask.
"I'm fine." She mumbled.

He sighed, relieved to hear she was fine, but hated to see her in so much pain. The bruises on her were going to be horrible. He rubbed her arm for a few minutes as he watched her eyes close slowly.

Susan entered the room in a rush, going over to Maddy's side and hugging her.

"Is she okay?" Susan ask.
"She's going to be fine-- I think Carlisle gave her morphine to knock the pain."
"She looks so awful." Susan said, reaching down to touch Maddy's bruised face.
"She does. . ." Edward whispered.
"Thank God that you guys were passing by."
"She had already called 911 by that time I think."
"Still though; I'm sure her hearing your voice made gave her some strength. She's crazy about you, Edward."

Edward smiled lightly and then looked down at her, "I'm crazy about her as well."

He took the seat next to her bed and held onto her hand tightly. Susan stayed for awhile, until Carlisle came in and told her that he wanted to keep her over night to make sure she was okay.

"You can go on home. . . I know you have work tomorrow; I'll stay with her." Edward offered.
"Edward-- you've done so much. Are you sure?"
"I'm positive, I want to."

Susan kissed a sleeping Maddy's forehead and then walked away, promising to visit before and after work tomorrow. Edward stayed by her side the entire night. Carlisle would come in every so often and check on her.

About three A.M. there was another knock at the door. Edward could tell it wasn't Carlisle, a nurse, or a family member, he placed a look of disgust on his face as Jacob Black walked into the room. His lips were turned down in a frown. Edward was aware he had just lost his son or daughter earlier tonight, but that didn't give him the right to come visit Maddy.

"What are you doing here?" Edward spat.
"What-- is she not allowed any visitors that are alive?" Jacob ask.
"She doesn't want to see you."
"She isn't even awake-- you don't know what she wants, leech."

Edward stood up and walked over to where Jacob was standing. Jacob was an inch or two taller than him, but he wasn't intimidated by the mutt.

"Get out of my girlfriends room." Edward demanded.
"She won't be your girlfriend forever-- she can't deny the connection we have."
"The only connection you're going to have with her; is my fist colliding into your jaw." Edward said.

Jacob was getting angry; but was trying to keep his cool. He knew that he and Edward couldn't do this here-- not in the middle of a hospital room where Maddy was sound asleep in the corner, trying to recover from her accident.

Thankfully Carlisle entered the room, and stood between the two of them.

"Both of you; stop it and act your ages."
"If he acts his age, then shouldn't he be under the fucking dirt?" Jacob spat.
"Enough." Carlisle said, noticing how angry Edward was.
"You two will not do this here-- Maddy has made her decision, Jacob-- shouldn't you be respecting it?"
"She isn't even giving me a chance; She has to talk to me, get to know me, in order to make a decision, and if she does that; then I'll respect whatever decision she makes." Jacob said.
"She's not going anywhere near you!" Edward spat.
"Scared of some competition?" Jacob ask.

Edward growled, and Carlisle knew he needed to get Jacob out of the room quickly.

"Go; We'll discuss this when Maddy is awake-- You need to go be by Bella's side, she just woke up a few minutes ago and is asking about you." Carlisle said.

Jacob turned around and walked away, but before he darted out of the room he turned back around.

"This isn't over, bloodsucker." He hissed.

Carlisle shook his head when Jacob was out of the room. Jacob had crossed the line tonight-- he shouldn't have come into the room and attempted to provoke Edward.

"That boy isn't going to take her decision lightly."
"She's not being with him." Edward said.
"I know, son. But keeping him away is going to be a problem."
"It won't be a problem if he's no longer alive." Edward muttered.

Carlisle shook his head, and allowed Edward to know how much he disapproved of the thought of killing another creature. Edward sighed, and allowed Carlisle to get back to work. He returned to Maddy's side and held her hand softly.

Maddy's eyes opened and Edward smiled. She was clearly more alert now that the medication was wearing off a bit. She smiled at him, which caused him to smile.

"Is the girls okay?" She ask.
"Everyone has a couple of scratches, Bella lost the baby, and I believe Jessica has a broken arm. You girls are lucky."
"Bella lost the baby?" Maddy ask, frowning.
"Yes-- I heard she was taking it pretty hard."
"I feel so bad for her." Maddy said.

Edward frowned, leaning down and placing a kiss on her forehead.

"I was scared to death about you."
"I'm sorry-- you were there; what's the excuse about that." She ask, needing to know the story in case she was ask.
"We were just passing by-- but Alice had actually saw it in a vision while we were playing baseball."
"I'm so sorry I cut your game short." She apologized.

He laughed, as he kissed her softly on her cut lip.

"You're apologizing for something you have no control in. I'm just glad you're okay."
"Yeah-- the roads were so bad. Jess tried to miss the deer."
"I think she did." Edward said, not recalling a dead deer.
"At least it survived then." Maddy said, smiling lightly

Edward smiled, and nodded his head.

"Oh-- Jessica's father stopped by and brought bags from the SUV."
"The dresses." She said.
"Yeah, yours is laying on the recliner." He said pointing over to a large bag.
"It's probably ruined." Maddy said.
"Actually no-- I checked it, it's not ruined at all, and very pretty." Edward said, bending down and placing a kiss on her cheek, "Sleep, love." He said knowing she needed her rest.