Fatal Attraction



Maddy paced throughout her room, wondering if her father was alive or dead. She knew he probably wasn't technically alive. . . but she was just hoping. . . praying actually, that he was a vampire. She wasn't ready to let him go. She could hear Ava's cries throughout the house as Susan tried to calm her younger sister down. Maddy knew it was best that Ava face this now. She would never be able to see their father again, because they couldn't know about vampires.

Her cell phone rang, and she rushed over to the phone and picked it up.

"I'm almost in Pennsylvania. Carlisle, Jasper, and I are crossing the border right now. I love you, and I'll phone as soon as I find out anything."
"Okay, please help him, Edward."
"I'll try, love. Get some rest. There is nothing you can do. I love you, and I'll call soon."

Maddy hung up the phone, and listened to Edward. She knew there was nothing she could do about the situation. She walked over to her bed, and cuddled under the covers, praying that her father was ok. . . as okay as he could be.

Edward pointed towards the cabin that he and Jasper had discovered just days ago. Carlisle hadn't phoned the Volturi and warmed them about the newborns yet. He thought that until they got out of hand, that they should stay out of it. Edward was thankful the Volturi had no idea now.

Jasper walked around the back of the cabin and peeked inside a broken window. He looked in at bodies moving in pain.

"No one is inside but ones who are going through the transformation."
"No one?" Edward ask.
"Nope." Jasper said.

Edward peeked through the window. Part of him was hoping Chris was not laying among the bodies that was going through the painful transformation, While part of him prayed he was. He knew Maddy would be lost without her father. He starred through the shattered glass, and his topaz eyes landed upon his body immediately.

Chris was twitching on a old worn mattress, clearly in a lot of pain.

"I'd say he's already gone through a day." Carlisle noted.
"What do we do? I can't leave him here." Edward said.
"What do you suggest we do?" Jasper ask, turning to Carlisle.

Carlisle sighed, "He needs to be away from human contact for awhile. . . I'd suggest the island."
"Do I have enough time to get him there?" Edward ask.
"If you run non-stop, then possibly."
"I'll go with you." Jasper stated.

Edward sighed. "Get him out of there, I'll phone Maddy and tell her I won't be coming home for a couple of weeks."

Edward wanted to go home to her more than anything. He knew she needed him right now. But he knew she'd also want what's best for her father. He needed to be isolated, so Edward and Jasper could explain the life style to him, and show him the alternatives. He dialed her number and waited for her to answer. Her sleepy voice greeted him.

"Is he okay?"
"He's. . . baby, there's no easy way for me to tell you this."
"Is he already going through it?"
"What's going to happen now?"
"I'm going to take him to our island. . . He'll be away from everyone, Jasper will go with me. . . We'll explain everything to him, Maddy."
"You're not coming home?" She whispered.
"Not for awhile. . ."

She was upset that she wouldn't be seeing Edward, but she knew he was doing this for her.

"I understand. . . I just, I'll miss you."
"I'll phone you everyday, and I'll miss you so much. But, your father needs me."
"I understand." She sniffled, he could tell she was now crying, "It'll be good in the long run. . . at least when I change; I'll still have him." She said, he could tell she was forcing a smile upon her lips.

He smiled, "I love you. I've got to get going. I'll phone you tomorrow.
"Love you too."

With that Edward hung up the phone, and walked over to where Jasper and Carlisle had Chris outside the small cabin. He sighed, as he looked at his father figure who would be returning back to Forks.

"Are you sure you guys can handle him?"
"I've dealt with newborns before." Jasper noted.
"Phone if you need anything. I'll make Alice take care of Maddy." Carlisle said.

Edward nodded, and then looked towards Jasper. "Ready?"
"Born ready." Jasper said.

Edward bent down and scooped Chris's body into his arms. He and Jasper looked at their father figure one last time before taking off towards the island. It would be a long trip, nearly a day. They would even have to travel through water, but hopefully nothing would get in the way, and they would arrive safely before Chris's transformation was completed.

"How did she take the news?" Jasper ask, as they were running through the woods.
"She's going to have it hard with me not around for a couple of weeks, but. . . she understands. I think she's happy he's like this rather than. . . gone."
"It'll make it easier on her. . . when you know, she joins."
"You're not looking forward to it, are you?" Jasper ask.
"I have mixed feelings about it." Edward replied honestly, "I cannot wait to have her forever, but I don't want to see her in this pain." He said, motioning towards Chris, who was shivering in his arms.
"But. . . it'll be worth it in the end."
"Yeah. . . I guess it will be." Edward said.