Fatal Attraction



Maddy's father was happy to go along with the idea once he had been informed on his daughter's pregnancy. He was scared just like Edward though. He and Jasper traveled back to Pennsylvania, and he went inside his home and made phone calls from there. He just told the cops he had been taken hostage, placed inside a old cabin, and then escaped. He never remembered any of it. He had told them he also wanted to quit-- had things to deal with at the moment. He was glad they let him deal with things over the phone. He also phoned Susan, who was thrilled to have him alive and doing well. Maddy managed to hide her stomach well, as she convinced her mother that she should move back home with her father. She had told her she might as well do it, because once she hit eighteen she was doing it anyways. Susan agreed, even though she didn't want to.

All of Maddy's stuff had been packed up, and placed in a u-haul. She was suppose to catch a plane on Wednesday afternoon, but instead of catching a plane, she and all of her stuff was brought to the Cullen's home. They couldn't move now-- not with the baby coming in a little over two weeks. Edward and Alice became 'home schooled'.

Maddy was now sitting on the Cullen's couch, watching a football game along with Emmett. She wasn't interested in what was playing on the screen. She was more interested in what was going on in Carlisle's study. He and Edward was discussing the best way to go about the delivery, and transformation. Edward didn't want her to hear any of it.

"Here you go, Mads." Rosalie said, handing her a cup.

She smiled at Rosalie, who had been treating her like an angel as of lately. She took the straw in her mouth, and sipped on the thick liquid inside. She never thought she'd be drinking blood out of a straw, but it seemed to be what the baby wanted. She was convinced he was a boy-- there was not a doubt in her mind, and she had already picked his name out.

Mason Anthony Cullen

She had got the name from Edward's human name, which had been Edward Anthony Mason. She thought it fit for their son. Rosalie sit down beside her and smiled as she sipped on the blood.

Alice walked down the stairs and smiled weakly over at Maddy. Alice had been staying away due to her headaches. She had been getting them a lot around Maddy-- probably because her future was so uncertain at the moment. That was one of the main reasons Edward was scared.

"Jasper phoned, Maddy-- He said your father is doing extremely well. They went hunting in Pennsylvania, catch the scent of some humans, and Chris didn't even flinch."
"I knew he wouldn't." Maddy said, "I just wish Edward would let him come visit."
"Maybe after the baby is born." Rosalie said, smiling.
"Of course! I'll be a vampire too." Maddy said.

Everyone smiled, even though they all had doubts. Rosalie didn't know if Maddy would survive through the birth or not. It had never been heard of. Emmett thought she was strong enough to survive, and he planned on doing everything he could to keep her heat beating. Alice didn't know what to think. She was scared she was losing her powers all together. Carlisle was confident that they could delivery the baby and complete the transformation. Edward also didn't know what to think. Maddy was confident though. She knew it would be painful, both the birth and the transformation. But she couldn't imagine the meadow scene from her dream without the beautiful little boy in it. There was a reason she had that dream, a reason she ended up pregnant.

Edward walked down the stairs, and she smiled at him. He placed a soft crooked smile upon his lips as he walked over to the couch. Rosalie got up and allowed him to sit down. He pulled her into his arms and smiled.

The pregnancy hadn't been too rough on her. She had been eating a lot, and drinking a lot of blood. She actually craved blood-- which shocked Edward at first, but he knew that it was the baby who was craving it and not actually Maddy.

"Alice said dad was doing good. . ."
"I heard." Edward said softly.

Maddy smiled weakly.

Rosalie pulled Emmett from the couch, and out of the room to give the two of them some alone time. Maddy smiled as she moved around on the couch to make herself comfortable. Her legs were laying in Edward's lap, and one of her hands was placed over her stomach securely.

"He's kicked some today, not much." She said.

The kicking was getting worse as the days went by. With his growth, and strength, she knew it would just be a matter of time before he was breaking bones. Edward knew this as well, and that's what scared him. But, besides the purple rings under her eyes from lack of sleep, due to Mason's kicking at night, she looked extremely healthy for her situation.

"I hope he settles down." Edward said.

He had dropped calling the baby 'it', after Maddy scolded him. He wasn't thrilled about the baby being named after him. Anything that caused Maddy harm was a devil in his eyes, but he was slowly growing used to the idea that he was going to be a father.

"I can't wait for him to get here." She said rubbing her stomach.
"Since when did you want to be a mother?" He ask, curious.
"Since the moment I found out." She said smiling, "I was ready to live without it, but now that I got it-- I don't want to live without it. . . without him."
"But, it's so dangerous." Edward said.

She smiled, "Not anymore dangerous than the Spanish influenza, or being mauled by a bear. It's child birth, women do it every single day."
"They don't give birth to a vampire's offspring." He muttered.

She giggled softly, "Stop worrying-- we're going to have our very own little family. Aren't you the least bit happy?" She ask.

He thought about it for a second. He could picture them raising a small child, living for all of eternity. He smiled as the vision played before him. Maddy laughed, "See! That's what I'm talking about."

He sighed. "I love you, and I just want you safe." Edward said, "My intentions are good. I promise."
"I know your intentions are good, but please don't worry. . . just trust me on this one, Edward. I'm going to be fine, and so is Mason." She said.

He smiled, "You think he'll be good at baseball?"

She giggled, "I'm sure he'll have a lot of your traits." She said.
"Hmm, I'd rather him have yours." Edward said.

She smiled, at least he was finally accepting the fact that they had a baby on the way.