Darren Prom Wishes Helm

Emily + Darren

---Emily's House---
"Dad! I'm home" I screamed at the top of my lungs, as I opened the front door. You see I wasn't the normal teenager, my dad was the general manager of the Detroit Red Wings, Ken Holland. I grew up at the rink, and I wouldn't have traded it for anything in the world. "Em, seriously can you not scream in the house." My mom called down from her bedroom. "Ok Mom, jeez!" "EMILY! I'm so glad your home! I have a surprise for you." My dad yelled as he ran into the foyer and hugged me tight. "Dad seriously you have bad surprises, what is it? and do I even want to know?" I said to my dad with a sarcastic look on my face. "Seriously young lady you need to grow up. Emily Rae Holland your 17 now! Grow up." My dad said to me with a stern look on his face. "Ok sorry dad! What is it?" I said following him into his office as he shut the door behind him. I knew it was going to be a favor that he already promised someone, he always closes the door when he has an urgent thing to discuss.

"Emily, you will take a player to your grad. I know you wanted to do that and okay I know I hate to admit it but having a teenager daughter has made it hard to keep those boys away from you." My dad said to me but I only heard the first part take a boy to grad! "DAD! REALLY! Your going to let me take a player! Omg I better call Cait! Dad seriously I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed running upstairs! "Em, Seriously what did I say about screaming!" My mom yelled.

"Cait can you beleive it! I get to take whoever I want!" I said to my best friend on the phone as I couldn't contain my excitement any longer. "Really Em, seriously so jealous get one for me! I'll beg your dad seriously! I have no one to take." Cait moaned into the phone. "Um Ms. Cait, I beleive you have Mr. Crosby on your tail, yes the enemy, but ever since the all-star game hasn't he been all over you!" I said to my best friend stating the obvious. "Oh yes, hehe but I don't know what I should do." Cait said to me once again hesitant. "Sorry Cait, Dads coming up, text me later k!" I said into the phone. "Chow!" Cait said back as I closed the phone just as my dad was opening the door.

"So Emily, have you decided who you want to take, and please just chose one I really don't want to hear my little girl debating about which one." My dad said rolling his eyes. "Wellllll Daddy you know me well enough! I think Darren Helm! Okay! Please Pretty Please!" I said to my dad jumping on my bed like a 4 year old excited! "Okay Emily, and wow you'll be shocked to hear he was like the first one to offer to be your partner. Hmm weird." My dad said as he walked out of my room rolling his eyes.

"WHAT DARREN HELM WANTED TO GO WITH ME! Omg!" I thought to myself as I jumped off my bed and fell asleep dreaming of grad.

---Graduation Day---
"Omg Emily, you look so beautiful!" Cait said to me hugging me before we put on our dresses. Mine a simple black short dress with white at the bottom (http://www.camdendrive.com/media/resized/C1085-Black-f_size2.jpg) and Caits was a big poufy black and white dress (http://www.calitoprom.com/prom/images/PR0542.jpg).

"Can you believe that your going to grad with Darren Helm" Cait said to me as we were just finishing up the final touches before we headed off. " I know Cait, but seriously he sees me as the little Holland girl, just the gm's daughter, we'll never be more than that. Now you and Sid well thats another story." I said to Cait sure of myself. " I dunno he sure seemed estatic when I talked to him Em, I think he may like you!" Cait said to me once again trying to be the boss. "Okay Cait, lets go down the boys are waiting." I said to her as we opened the door and went to go face the boys.

"Wow Cait, you look amazing!" Sid said to Cait, hugging her and giving her a rose corsage. I swear I even saw a peck on the lips between the two of them. I couldn't help but be excited we were going to grad with NHL Superstars, and we weren't even the most popular girls! "Emily, wow you look-you look" Darren tried to stutter out. "I look ugly I know" I said to Darren unable to look him in the eyes. "Emily, no you look beautiful wow." Darren said as he slipped the black flower corsage on my wrist and holding my hand. I couldnt' believe it Darren Helm thought I looked beautiful.

Prom was amazing, seeing all the girls faces when we walked in with Sidney and Darren was hillarous. They were stuck with the high school boys and were super jealous of course. Me and Darren had an amazing night dancing and laughing. He laughed at all the girls that tried to dance with him, but it sure seemed like he only had eyes for me tonight. I looked over during the second to last dance to find Cait and Sidney locked in a kiss. Wow was I ever happy for her, but deep down I was a bit jealous, she had someone and I didn't. "Emily, would you like to come outside for me." Darren whispered into my ear. His hot breath on my neck made me shiver. "Sure, Lead the way." I said as Darren put a hand on the small of my back and lead me out into the cold air.

"Emily, you look so amazing tonight wow." Darren said to me once again. "Thanks Darren, but I must ask, why did you offer to take me to prom? Really my dad said you were one of the first." I said to him as I looked down at my shoes. "Because Emily," Darren said as he lifted my chin up and made our eyes connect. "Because Iloveyou!" Darren said mumbled together. "Woah what Darren" I said stunned at what he just said. "Emily Rae Holland I love you and I have since the first day I met you. I know I always treated you like a little sister, but I thought thats just because you saw me as a big brother. I jumped at the opprtunity to take you to prom just to be able to hold you and be with you for a night." Darren said to me as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Darren, it doesn't just have to be for one night. I love you too." I said to him as I leaned up and closed the gap between our bodies. " I always will Mr. Darren Helm." I said with a huge smile on my face. "So Ms. Holland, aka, my girlfriend. May I have this last dance?" Darren asked me as we were outside in the cold air, all alone. "Yes you may I love you Darren." I said to him as I leaned into his shoulder feeling right at home. "I love you more Emily!" Darren said back holding me tighter.
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For Emily (i_go_rawr) 's contest