False Impressions

Its been 4 days since I've written

May 24 1964

Yes, I know it’s been 4 days since I’ve written. Surprisingly nothing that important happened in that time. But there are a few things that have changed. The other day I dyed my hair black, it use to be brown but I got sick of the same old color I had since I was born so I dyed it. It looks pretty good if you ask me. I think it makes my eyes stand out more. People seem to notice that my eyes are actually hazel and not just brown.

On May 21, I got a pay-rise at work, which I was pretty happy with because I can now buy those little extra things I’ve always wanted to get, like hair dye for example. I’ve been also pondering over getting myself a cat, I mean as much as I like living by myself, I do get lonely and think that a cat would fill some of that loneliness.

Hang on a moment; I think I hear the phone ringing.

My mom just wanted to call and see how I was doing.
Oh my goodness, I almost forgot to tell you!
On the 21 I went to a party after work, and it was quite relaxing to get out and have fun.
What made it even better was that my friend of 5 years, Jackson, asked me out!
Well he didn’t ask me out at the party, he asked me out at the park.
Yeah, I know, how did I go from a party to a park with a hot guy?
Well that’s simply to explain. I was just about to leave the party when Jackson pulled me aside and told me he wanted to talk, so he wondered if we could go to the park.
The park isn’t too far from my house, so I went with him. We ended up talking a bit while he pushed me on the one lonely swing that we use to play on when we were kids.
It was such a beautiful night out, I was just about to tell him something when he stopped the swing and looked me in the eyes. It seemed the more he looked at me the more I was hypnotized by his magnificently blue eyes.
Then he kissed me, and the world seemed to stop for that period of time. After we finished kissing, he told me how much he loved me and cared me. At the time I didn’t know if it was him truly talk or the alcohol. I mean really what would a hot guy like Jackson want with an average ditzy woman with a low paying job and a shabby old apartment.

Nevertheless he was truly speaking from his heart and alcohol had nothing to do with him telling me how much he loved me which I still can’t believe, I really can’t. I’ve liked this guy ever since I first saw his silky black hair that he had tucked behind his cute little ears; his magic blue eyes and his perfectly moist lips that made up his soft, innocent face. He could have any chick he wanted, but instead, he picked me. We’ve been now going out for 3 days and I’m still a bit dazed.

Anyways I think I should call him up before I go to bed.
I’m sure ill have lots to write about tomorrow.
Jackson is gonna be coming down to see my apartment.
Until then, farewell.