False Impressions

Sweet condolences..I think not

May 26/27(It’s 1 AM) 1964

I guess today didn’t turn out as bad as I thought it would. I had a few people at work give me their condolences and also tried making me feel better but it really didn’t help, if you know what I mean. It seems the more pity your get from people the more upset you get. I don’t know if that’s true for everyone but that’s how it works for me. It just seems like the person is trying to suck up to you or something. Any who, after work I waited for Jackson to show up, it took him a bit, I was just about to leave when he pulled up in his old beat-up car, and told me to get in.

Once I got into the car Jackson started apologizing for being late and started to explain why he was late. To be truthful with you I really didn’t care that he was late I was just happy he showed up but I didn’t tell him that, I just allowed him to talk. I really do love the sound of his voice, it’s pretty deep but not too deep, so it’s just perfect. Anyways after Jackson explained everything…he told me that he was taking me out for something to eat and then if I was up to it, he’d be more then happy to take me to the fair that dropped into town a few days ago. I told him I’d decided after we ate but I knew right then and there that I’d go with him. I mean if I went back to my little apartment I’d only be reminded about what’s really going on in my life again, and I thought that getting away from my reality for a bit would be good for me.

So after we finished eating, we took off to the fair. It was so much fun; we went on ride after ride. The only part that wasn’t so hot was when I got under the weather after riding the one roller coaster for the 5th time. So after I got sick Jackson thought I’d be a good idea to go back to my place, and I seen nothing wrong with this idea so we headed out of the fair and drove to my place. Once we got here, I moved a few boxes making some room on the small couch I have. Before I sat down I asked Jackson if he’d like a beer, and he answered me pretty fast, he said something alone the lines of no its okay I have to drive. So I just grabbed myself one instead, and grabbed him a pop. After that I don’t remember much I don’t even know how I ended up in my bed, but I do remember drinking a bit more, and Jackson not wanting to kiss me. I’m sure I was a total idiot; I get like that when I’m drunk. I now can recall why Jackson wouldn’t kiss me. He said something like, your way to drunk, and he’d love to kiss me but he’d feel like he was taking advantage of me, and that’s all I can remember.

At the moment its now 1 in the morning and I so badly want to call Jackson and apologize for my behaviour, but I know that he won’t pick up, or if he does I don’t think he’ll be to happy that I woke him up. Anyways I’m going to check if my door is locked before I go back to sleep.

Aww, okay, I just found a note from Jackson. Here this is what it said:

Hey there Abby,

I know that things have been pretty hard for you lately so I total understand what happened tonight, I just hope that you understand my design not to spend the night with you, I mean its not like I wouldn’t enjoy staying here with you, its just you were so loaded. But I did stay here till you went to sleep or more like passed out. You know you look so cute when your sleep...even if you were drunk I almost didn’t want to move you from the couch, but I thought you’d sleep better in your bed so I cared you to your room. Anyways hun, I’m gonna leave now, I’ve turned off all your lights, and I really do hope you find this note. I’ll call you tomorrow to check up on you, 'till then I love you.

That was so sweet of him to leave me a letter, and now a lot of my questions have answers, I now know that Jackson’s not mad at me which really takes a load off my mind, and I now also know how I got into bed. Now that I have some answers I really think I should try sleeping again. So until I write again, goodbye.